Prison Break Rants and Revelations, Season 3 PenUltimate Episodes

Oct 10, 2007 17:58

3.01 Orientacion

I was dreading the fact that they might treat the character of Mahone as they did with Kellerman, but alas! he's still here and going strong!! William Fichtner is a favorite of mine since Invasion.

however, I was completely unimpressed by Lechero. that character resonated almost no magnetism or rather the magnetic power he should've.

as entil2001 pointed out in his right-on reviews, Lincoln's role […] is too close to Veronica's purpose in the first season for comfort.
haven't caught on that at first but TBH it's simply excellent insight, but hopefully not a foreboding one.

As for Sara, if they had to keep one female character from S1, I still wish it would've been Veronica. She was a much more engaging character for me and a far better actress. SWC was always too mild in all respects for me for this kind of a tv-show. so here's hoping, something good comes out of the fact they won't force this supposedly grand love of Michael and Sara on us anymore.

3.04 Good Fences

the show suffered in it's 2nd season mainly because they were trying too hard to make us believe there was this grand romantic connection between Michael and Sara. so I for one am glad that aspect of the show is finally resolved;

and I'm also glad that - since Sara's ultimate fate was decided before the 3rd season even premiered - they weren't able to drag this storyline for long. for that, I support SWC's decision not to return.

I'm still mad as hell at how brutally they killed Veronica in 2x01, who I greatly preferred to Sara, so I can imagine how hurt/disappointed Sara's fans might be...

but hey, the story feels somewhat complete now; 1st Lincoln lost his love, now Michael lost his; now the brothers truly have only each other. there's a sense of balance in that, but I doubt the writers will exploit it.

favorite scenes so far:
(Michael is sitting at the foot of the stairs holding his origami crane. T-Bag comes by.)
T-Bag: Playing by yourself? Same old pretty. Just not good at making friends, are you?

Robert Knepper is doing his best out of the material given, he's even more convincing in his shenanigans than T-Bag was in S2. however Bellick continues to be a nuisance and even more-so an annoyance!!

Susan strongly shoves Linc away and shoots the grave digger!!

the character is a re-enactment of Veronica, both in looks and in attitude, so I'm slightly irritated at TPTB, but this scene showed potential; I'm open to an interesting outcome for her...

3x04, review, 3x01, prison break

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