McLeod's Daughters Video Post [2]

May 08, 2007 22:30

I come bearing gifts! as per usual ripped some vids from the ninemsm website.
  • first the supercute interview with Simmone: [link expired]

    to be honest, I didn't fully open up for her character until season 5 and I'm not one to ship Alex and Stevie, just cuz I loved Alex and Claire to bits! yeah I'm one of those;) and I also liked Posie's choice of having Alex fall for a stranger, someone completely out of the McLeods Universe, so I truly wanted to like Fiona and I'm hoping for Michelle to come back and cause some mayhem! yeah, I'm one of those, too;) but this interview is so sweet I'm now completely in luv with Simmone!!

    all in all Alex & stevie's scenes together in episode 7x10 were cute and funny and sweet, simply delightful! I may just jump on board this ship;)

  • second the lovely little bit with Rachel: [link expired]

    I just luv how she looks! the interview is nth special really, not like the above one with Simmo, but it's still great to watch, though:) she looks so glam even in her casual look, so beautiful.

    you know what? those two interviews together are so great I may just fall for the interviewer!

  • third, here's the recently posted Behind the Scenes Q&A with the newcomer Abi Tucker: [link expired]

  • [ETA]
  • Q&A with the man himself, the irreplaceable and irresistible Aaron Jeffery a.k.a Alex Ryan: [link expired]

Enjoy!! comments are love!

mcleod's daughters, interviews, uploads, video

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