in almost official news, BSG has been picked up for a 4th season.

Feb 13, 2007 03:58

..not that there was *ever* any if to it.

1st reported on SciFi forums and then in a trivial article in LATimes not worth linking here...

I'd be mighty disappointed if they'll go ahead with the 13eps order, but then again nothing happens in these eps of late; I guess I could easily eliminate 4 or 5 of them which would leave exactly a kick-ass TV-movie event and a cohesive mind-blowing 13eps season, just like season 1. therefore, I welcome the idea of going back to a shorter season. Ron Moore is excellent at crafting up well integrated stories, which leave you wanting more; just look at Carnivale season 1 and you'll know there's nothing to worry about. btw, look what happened to Carnivale in season 2 without Ron... BSG might be back for season 5 or even 6 if it goes back to it's season 1 glory. I mean, I had high hopes for this season, what with the explosive 4episode arc at the start and all, but then they got tangled up in stand-alones and we get eps like the last two or Hero which leave you blank.

(updated 14th-Feb-2007 02:05 am) the 13 are now official as reported on SciFi Wire.

battlestar galactica, picked up, rant

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