all's well!

Sep 12, 2005 21:04

I had a doctors apt. today in 'cuse and he said everythings fine!  I asked to look at before and after x-rays of my back... what a difference!!  Its insane.

First select rehearsal.... most sweaty one!  It was grooooose and hot. and retarted me wore a long sleeve shirt.  haha!  I amaze myself sometimes. 
I have a new best friend :).  lol I LOVE new best friends... Laura, danielle, kyle (( and whoever))  we need to have that 80's movie night :).  I'm very excited for it.

Well my head hurts.  and I need to get clean.  and chill before school tomorrow.  leave some loveee for me:)
^casie :)

" haha last night at the game i thought to myself" where has this girl been all my life, i think im in love with casie"
^ I love coments like this.  they make me laugh :)

i wish i could have a cool quiz or somet

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