Jan 31, 2006 18:32
So my sentiment towards my two-day-old job has gone from 'not too bad' to 'erm, I want my dignity back and I want to be out of here'. It's still not the worst retail job I've had, but this is really not what I had pictured myself doing when I turn 25 (which is in two weeks)...
Which, of course, leads us to my other dilemma of the day. So without thinking too much about it I applied for this part-time (20hrs/week) job at a NGO in Ottawa last week, and now I'm having a phone interview for it tomorrow. But it didn't take too long until I woke up from the euphoria of "yay someone called me again!" for me to realize it's virtually impossible for me to move to ottawa for a part-time job right away, let along commute. I was going to cancel the interview right away, but after today's work when I was reminded yet again how much minimum-wage sales jobs suck, I'm having a second thought about it... I dunno, I doubt I'll move to Ottawa for this part-time gig when it's not even my ideal job, but I really need to work harder on this job hunt thing now. Turning 25 and not being financially independent is freaking me out.
Also, I can't believe I got turned down for this video-store clerkship that I really wanted to get. WTF? the interview went smoothly (from my point of view) and I thought I fully convinced him that I really wanted to work there (which was true) even though I have a master's degree... fuck. and he even told me to "drop by and get a membership card the next time you're in the mood to rent a movie." Seriously, dude. I have Zip.ca.