
Oct 20, 2010 16:43

I love to look forward to events, especially when work and the craptacular aspects of life really get me down. In about two weeks, I'm seeing the Tim and Eric chrimbus show on friday; hopefully the next day I'll be seeing Michael Ian Black's stand up (ugh sucks being broke).  I guess I'm looking forward more to the Tim and Eric show, although it is general admission, which sucks for my midget-like frame. I had a good time at the Pusswhip Banggang show, and who doesn't love Neil Hamburger? My fave joke from the last show was: "What do you get when you stick a penny into the ass of each member of Smash Mouth? Nickelback"

Totally off the subject of comedy shows, but I saw this movie recently called The Killer Inside Me.  Oh man that Casey Affleck is so hot in there-I thought he was cute before but wowzaz! I always felt shamefaced telling people that I liked him, because he's Ben's brother and everyone I know hates him. I know, weird tangent but I was just thinking about that today. Later.

tim and eric, casey affleck, chrimbus

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