We've been travelling a lot this month, so I haven't been posting much about Morgan. And so here is an update of exciting Morgan factoids!
- I have accidentally taught Morgan to sing 'Mahna Mahna' (you know, like the muppets. Tiny 'doot doot doot' noises followed by 'manananama' is...super adorable. You're missing out. I am just saying. (If I can get my hands on some video, I'll post it. Promise.)
- Morgan's vocabulary is really quite awesome at this point. She's got the basics that you'd definitely expect (milk, water, more, mommy, no, doggy, chicken, hi, bye bye), but she's also got a bunch of more secondary stuff (outside, baby, book, moose, quack, meow, juice, ice, hot) and some stuff that I consider super impressive for a kid of her age (please and thank you). There's also a ton of stuff she recognizes but doesn't say yet. Specifically, I'm very pleased that she knows hug and kiss. Baby kisses!
- Morgan is somewhat anti-clothes these days, and is working hard on learning to take her clothes off. More interestingly, she's pretty anti-diaper which means that at home, we're already doing some low-key potty training. She gets very confused about peeing or pooping and having it not end up in the diaper. She's all, uh, this seems very inefficient. And confusing. What.
- She's doing something I would feel reasonably credible calling running. She's also doing more assisted climbing of various objects: playground equipment, furniture, mommy, etc. She's also really into being flung around and roughhoused with, so it's really nice that she knows 'more' because I like to check in to be sure she's having fun. It's not always 100% clear.
- She had her first ice cream cone (well, helped Andres eat one) while we were traveling. Super cute. Babies with chocolate mustaches are best.
This has been your requisite Morgan update. Have a cute picture!