God's Way

Jan 18, 2010 16:00

If I never saw any of these commercials ever again for the rest of my life it would be too soon.

I don't know if it's the doom-and-gloom message or the cheesy animations or the fact they've been playing during nearly every commercial break on ABCFamily for the last couple of months, but they sort of make me want to bleach my brain. Why does this church have to be located in Evansville?

Before these commercials, they had a set where members of the church were asked questions like "Do you know what the economic climate will be in a year?" Of course, all the answers were no. Then they asked "Do you know what will happen to you when you die?" "YES OF COURSE I'M GOIN' TO HEAVEN!" followed by, "Why take a gamble? Come to God's Way Church and find out how to secure your place in heaven."

They also had a round where a little kid asks his dad a bunch of dorky little kid questions like where do geese fly in the winter which, of course he can answer, and then one he can't "What happens when we die?" followed by "Don't get caught not knowing the answer." or somesuch nonsense. I can't find copies of these though.

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religion, annoying things, christianity
