Dec 22, 2008 10:35
One of my chins has soft stools. I woke up this morning and found their Flying Saucer Wheel to be smeared with feces. I am assuming it's Flopsy that has the problem as Zippity never uses the Flying Saucer and there is no sign of feces on the Sage Jasmine Wheel she uses. Flopsy is much harder to handle than Zippity, so I haven't turned her over yet but her attitude seems normal. She was running on the wheel this morning and eating food normally. I gave her a banana chip but I did not see the problem before I did that.
I've never had this problem before and not sure what caused it. Nothing has been changed since I've had them (about a year). They eat a mix of Oxbow Pellets, Oat Groats, and Animax. They have Sweet Meadow Herbs and Timothy Hay. For treats they usually have a handful of rose hips, wooden chew sticks, and an occasional raisin or banana chip (no more than one a day). They've recently been having more banana chips than raisins. I've decided to cut out the banana chips and raisins in case that's what's causing the problem.
One website suggested removing their pellets for a few days and feeding only hay, then if it doesn't clear up a vet check is needed to check for parasites.
I'm leary of removing their food supply (other than hay) just wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this and what you've done about it. I will bring them to the vet as a last resort as bringing them in is incredibly stressful for them. (These rescue chins were abused when they were young, I've gotten them to the point where you can pet them in the cage, but they are not handle-able. The last check up they had was three months or so ago and there was fur flying everywhere, the chins were shaking so bad, the vet and techs said they'd never seen chins behave that way. :/)