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Feb 08, 2009 20:56

I've been listening to these on repeat and I wanted to share (group hugs all around)


Beirut - Postcards from Italy

Beirut - La Banlieu

Beirut - Nantes

Yann Tiersen - La Noyée

Yann Tiersen - Les Bras de Mer

Shakira - La Tortura (w/ Alejandro Sanz)

Melody Gardot - Goodnite

Yiruma - When the Love Falls

Kung Fu Hustle - Zhi Yao Wei Ni Huo Yi Tian (instrumental)

Kung Fu Hustle - Zhi Yao Wei Ni Huo Yi Tian (w/ Huang Sheng Yi)

k first Susan introduced me to Beirut with Postcards from Italy. It has a dreamy, idyllic quality, although I imagined an old grizzly man singing it for some reason, instead of this babyfaced guy with lip slices. He likes to use strings and horns, two of my all time fave musical food groups, and he has a solid, handsome clear voice.

Yann Tiersen writes the sort of music that makes every mundane part of your life suddenly epic and legendary and drowning in nuance and meaning. Go ahead, try opening the linen closet to this sound. You won't see it the same way ever again. Also, if you start crying while this music is on, I don't think it's possible to stop. Anyway, I like horns. A lot. (Or in this case, the accordion) La Noyée is from the Amelie soundtrack, and Les Bras de Mer features a man singing slowly. Yann Tiersen has collab'd with a number of singers, which I guess shouldn't be that much of a surprise to me, although I clicked on this one track that was supposed to feature Carla Bruni and she sounded decidedly manly so I don't think it was actually her.

I recently watched Love in the Time of Cholera. Not really my cup of tea, but I heard the book was better (at seducing you to symphathize with Florentino). I had some terrible dreams after watching the film, but I digress. Shakira wrote and sang a couple songs for the film, and while looking them up I listened to La Tortura. I think I'd listened to it before but I don't remember it sounding anything like this.. the man singing with her sounds like how you do when you've got a cold and your throat is coated with phlegm, and on top of that, he sounds like he's on the verge of bursting into hot, sweaty tears. But that's how I like my men so I found it really attractive.

Melody Gardot's Goodnite is jazz, a slow, seductive piece. Her voice is just perfect. If her voice were personified it would fit exactly the image of the woman in a pulp detective novel - it's assured, low, and husky. It wouldn't quite set off a thousand ships but it has led to ill-advised comments being posted to Youtube.

Yiruma is a Korean composer whose work has been featured in several dramas, and he's 31 right now and released his first album when he was 23. When the Love Falls is a simple piano piece whose sheet music you can find here (via the search box on the upper right)

and finally
I really like what Kung Fu Hustle did with the music of 只要为你活一天, which was really big back in the 70's, which was a lot less subtle and more brash and just has that 70's tang interrupting every 10 seconds. The score is layered so delicately and so well that no sound is introduced abrupt or strange, and it comes at you like a wave. Huang Sheng Yi's voice is sorta weak but her rendition is still sweet. I totally cried when the music came sweeping on during the movie, and I hope you cry too.

Here's a pic of my dog looking like a minnow

or alternatively, like he was just squeezed from a toothpaste bottle

dog, music rec

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