
Aug 30, 2011 11:58


College. I am in college. It's been a weird experience so far, in my opinion. Classes started yesterday and I decided I might as well write about it. I'm a art major, hoping to eventually become a graphic design major. The only other major I can think of that would be interesting to me is an asian studies major. I'm basically going to see how this semester goes, and if I can get through it with out a mental breakdown, I think that I will keep my current major. There are alot of people already in the art program that have survived the dreaded foundations year, so I figure that it can't be too hard, as long as I keep up with my work.

But still.

I'm actually not looking forward to any of my classes. I'm looking forward to my sophmore year more than my freshman year, since I plan on taking Japanese in the fall and studying abroad at the Japan campus in the spring. I really want to do that. It was part of the reason I even chose the college I'm enrolled in.

I want to go home.

I was not truly excited to go to college anyway. I miss my friends. Maybe when I get into the swing of things and obtain a routine it will be better but for now, it's not.

On a brighter note, I have a good chunk of my Naruto story planned out. It's not NaruSasu, if that's what you thought it was going to be. I've kinda gotten out of that fandom the more I watch Naruto. Sasuke is a bitch. I've taken a shine to Shino, who has always been my 2nd favorite character. And well, I don't think he gets enough play. Naruto is certainly going to have fun with him.

But it seems like since I've gotten out of reading NaruSasu there hasn't been as much fanfiction for me to read. Ah well, what should I have suspected.

And I have a good beginning on my Harry Potter story too. But I tend to start writing epic stories when I should really try my hand at one-shots first or something. But my ideas always translate to ridiculously long plotlines. So sad for me. I'm gonna try to get the Naruto story finished planning first so that I don't have to worry about thinking up the rest of it and every other story I have.

But yeah. I do have a couple one-shot ideas for Assassin's Creed however. I should write them.

I have another class in two hours, but the lounge I'm hanging out in is too cold. I think I'm gonna go back to my room and chill for a bit. Get some lunch or something.

Ja ne :3

school, colleges, fanfics

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