Finals Begin

Jun 09, 2010 15:58

Worst day is over.....

Today I took my Calculus and Chemistry exams. They weren't so hard, which I can tell because I'm not braindead with a headache right now, but they were hard because i'm not so sure I passed my Calc one. Tomorrow I have no finals, so thats good. I do have one on Friday and two on Monday though......then my classes end and I will be able to finally take a vacation! My birthday is the day after finals end too, so thats a plus!

I recieved the worksheet that tells me all of what i'll be doing for my art class next year. Its not to bad, but I'm not so sure I feel like finding a local landmark and painting it. I had to do that for the begining of the class early this school year too. It was annoying and took entirely too long to finish. I'm going to be primarily working on my concentration over the summer. It needs refined and to be paid more attention to.

I've been listening to Rain (Bi) all day, for a lack of having Tae Yang music on my Zune. I do have his Wedding Dress music video, but there are only so many times you can watch a video before you end up making yourself hate it. And I like it so much I dont want to do that.

I read this manga today about this guy who gets a job at some random part-time place because he wants to go out with a girl he sees working there (and also because he's broke). Turns out that she is a Fujoshi though, but he doesnt even know what that is when he finally gets around to asking her out. It makes going out with her much more interesting.

Oh, and a Fujoshi is a girl/women that likes taking manga, anime, and novels and creating yaoi within them. Which is like my favortie hobby. One day i'll be able to draw guys (sadly I can only draw girls well) and then i'll be able to make my own Blove book or doujinshi.

Anyway, yeah, he doesnt actually know what a Fujoshi is, but when he does find out he is forced into writing a novel for her (he still likes her, just thinks she's a little weird and embarrassing). And its a BLove novel. WIN!!!! The book (My girlfriend is a geek) is actually based off some guy's blog in real life. Its hilarious. I wish I could read Japanese because I would so totally go find his blog and read every entry. Hilarious.

I finally found out how to tie a bow fancylike! I went to my cousin's wedding over the weekend (it was in Alabama!) and the little party favors they had at the reception had cute bows on them tied like Kimono bows. Now I know how to tie a bow and will be able to tie my own Obi!!!!

So yeah, thats whats going on with me. I must now go back to creating an image of myself that the rest of the internet will be able to know me as. I think I want to use bunny ears.


Oh! Its extra cold today!

tae yang, art, finals

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