Jan 24, 2004 00:11
My kidney hurts. Thanks Angel for making sure I was ok before leaving, hopefully I'll be better for tomorrow. Well Andre and Angel just left. I dunno wassup with Andre? Grr...I can't move without pain, even the slightest move. Anywayz, I went to school, my mom picked me up. Tara stayed for review. My mom and I went to Rite Aid and white castle. Back to get Tara, came home changed. Down to ctf for me! That was a long ass ride. That place.....either it was too cold outside, or musty in ctf...you know it's nasty when your glasses fog up. Anyway, it was nice seeing people today. :) Where the hell is Blake!???!?!?!?!?! lol He disappeared! I looked for him, to chill, and say bye but no sign of him. Anywayz, left around 8 to make it home by 9. Got home ate, watched part of Dude Where's My Car? Feel asleep in Andre's arms again....so comfy. My song that I dedicated to someone....I dunno if he noticed, but yea the part that came on at least was for you.....:(