So to the special person who thinks I am a manipulative person...thanks for posting in my entry. This is the response to you. Its amazing how closed minded you are to hearing other people's advice for your own well being. Times when you sat your ass down at jenn's house for months. NOT willing to walk down 3 blocks to the local strip mall which contains several restaurants (waitress), Starbucks, Safeway, etc..... to get your ass a job. Even though it might not pay that much money. It would have been better than not getting any income at all. Its TRULY amazing how someone who has been a parasite and leeched onto someones family. HAS NOT taken them out to dinner to show gratitude to put up and help you out. Its amazing how selfish someone can be....not even to give a Direct Thank you to someone and their family for keeping you alive.
You wonder why I look down on you, and scoff at your lifestyle. You can't even get the basics down. Say please and Thank you. You don't stop and think of how you need to keep the friends and family that "got your back." You seem to use them, then cast them out. You wasted all that time and now you still cant re-pay their kindness. Kinda makes me wonder if your even going to pay up for that car you damadged so wrecklessly. Seems like you shitted on the place you actually called home for a while, and left it for someone else to clean up.
Im truly sorry if Jennifer wants to hang out with me all the time, Its not my intention. I tell her to hang out with you people all the time. In fact, i wish I could hang out with you guys as a group. But ive always felt like an outsider unless someone was intoxicated...then i always felt "the love". Im not trying to ruin a friendship or anything. The descision is always hers who to hang out with. Its not my fault that I bring a fresh flavor to her world, as i'm always like that. I keep an open mind, look at BOTH SIDES of things, and make better descisions. Im with different people...better experiences?......cooler stuff to do?.... who knows.
Besides...WHO am i Manipulating?
Per the meaning of Manipulate is as follows:
v 1: influence or control shrewdly or deviously;
4: manipulate in a fraudulent manner; "rig prices" [syn: rig] 5: control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage;
So who am I manipulating? Im not controlling anyone. Im as open as they come. Open minded, open hearted, and open to whatever. I am simply who I am, and I do my shit my way, regardless of people dont like it. I take the critism, think about it, reflect, and use it to my advantage if necessary. If someone likes who I am, and what I do, its their choice to hold on to me and run with my world. Sorry if I have left you behind. Perhaps the world of exploring food, dressing in trendy fasions, visiting new places, and partying it up..isnt for you. I'll leave you be to party, work your random jobs, and hit every proverbial glass celing on your way up as everyone is way ahead of you.
Best of luck.
Its funny, As I do recall bashing the crap out of you on Live Journal a few months ago.......I guess nothings changed.
You wonder why I look down on you, and scoff at your lifestyle. You can't even get the basics down. Say please and Thank you. You don't stop and think of how you need to keep the friends and family that "got your back." You seem to use them, then cast them out. You wasted all that time and now you still cant re-pay their kindness. Kinda makes me wonder if your even going to pay up for that car you damadged so wrecklessly. Seems like you shitted on the place you actually called home for a while, and left it for someone else to clean up.
Im truly sorry if Jennifer wants to hang out with me all the time, Its not my intention. I tell her to hang out with you people all the time. In fact, i wish I could hang out with you guys as a group. But ive always felt like an outsider unless someone was intoxicated...then i always felt "the love". Im not trying to ruin a friendship or anything. The descision is always hers who to hang out with. Its not my fault that I bring a fresh flavor to her world, as i'm always like that. I keep an open mind, look at BOTH SIDES of things, and make better descisions. Im with different people...better experiences?......cooler stuff to do?.... who knows.
Besides...WHO am i Manipulating?
Per the meaning of Manipulate is as follows:
v 1: influence or control shrewdly or deviously;
4: manipulate in a fraudulent manner; "rig prices" [syn: rig] 5: control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage;
So who am I manipulating? Im not controlling anyone. Im as open as they come. Open minded, open hearted, and open to whatever. I am simply who I am, and I do my shit my way, regardless of people dont like it. I take the critism, think about it, reflect, and use it to my advantage if necessary. If someone likes who I am, and what I do, its their choice to hold on to me and run with my world. Sorry if I have left you behind. Perhaps the world of exploring food, dressing in trendy fasions, visiting new places, and partying it up..isnt for you. I'll leave you be to party, work your random jobs, and hit every proverbial glass celing on your way up as everyone is way ahead of you.
Best of luck.
Its funny, As I do recall bashing the crap out of you on Live Journal a few months ago.......I guess nothings changed.
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