Mar 27, 2007 07:23
I woke up WAY early. I think I was dreaming about my reference letter for the job today. Well, I have 3, but the one from my professor is pending. Damn prof.s take they're god damn sweet time. Anyways, Since I woke up 3 hours ahead of what I had scheduled, I got some homework done. I think I'm going to do some yoga after I take a shower. I feel groty. Oh yeah, and a cretin of the male species has been on my mind a lot lately. I can't pinpoint the exact reason, but I sure have been considering him. The more I find out, the more confused I get. I actually got a little jealous. So that means I can't deny feelings? I'm not sure, my gut is concurring with my head, but I don't think the cardiovascular follows suit. lol I tend to keep myself busied with these trivial matters. Today...or tomorrow, marks the day of 1 month of being single. thats quite an accomplishment for me, look at all the things I've achieved single! I am a better woman when I have no crutch. Tough, mean, all women! Rawr. ^_^ I'm having a good morning, and with that I bid you good morning. And if I don't see you good night and good evening.