Going back to my roots... The LCK

Mar 23, 2006 12:23

I went to my highschool today. It was the first time I've been in there in almost 3 years. The day I walked out of that gym, I never looked back.
It's crazy how life is. One day you're livin your life and the next it's a memory, and a few weeks later that memory seems like a distant shadow, or something that happened to someone else, but not an experience you can still feel or realize taht you lived anymore.
That's what happened with Lewis Cass to me. One day those moments were gone, and 3 years later they turned into something like a good book that I've read over and over and am really familar with. Then today I walked in there and I saw all the characters of my book and it came back to me like a strong wind. I didnt make these things up or read about them, I have acutally been here, Ive interacted with these people. It was like the end of Big Fish when his son sees all the characters from his dad's tales and suddenly beleives them.
Everyone seemed to remember me, well of course the secratary int eh office was my good friend's mom, but the others did too. I told Ms. Pear (the former attendance lady turned admissions) that I'm still late to every class in college. Mr. Bower was busying around quietly and calmy looking productive but not actually doing anything, just like when he was my guidance counselor back in the day. He was always my favorite, he talks like he's not quite there but really knows waht's going on and is just playing with you. One of those guys :)
The house I grew up in was for sale, it looked empty but the garage was open and there were cars in teh drive way, I almost stopped to see if I could look around, but i got anxious and left. The curtains were still the same that I remember from when i lived there.
I drove by the house downt he street that I first started being delinquent in. I was like 5 and I used to break into this guy's house a lot to go play with him. He was young and always had a girl over, he didnt appreciate me much; me and Amamda threw rocks at his shed window and broke it. needless to say, he lived there for like 2 years. Then another girl our age moved in there. I remember that house seemed so big and the cielings so high, driving by it today, it looked smaller than my old house. I wish I would have stopped in there, geez I regret that, just to see if it looks like I remember. I havent been int here since I was 7. I bet the living room is smaller and my room isnt pink anymore. That tree in the back yard that i used to climb, probably isnt as tall anymore, and i bet it would take me less than 3 minutes to climb higher than I used to in 10 minutes. I wonder if the sunflowers still grow along the privacy fence, or if those bushes my daddy planted the summer before me moved are being kept up.
I drove my the front yard and I rember that my dad used to put lights all over there for chistmas. Our yard was beautiful with lots of bushes and trees and a rock garden and a few of those brick things with the light pole sticking out of it. He used to put light over all of it and it was like candy land (or that's the way I thought of it when I was small). The front yard is deffinately smaller now.
I remember this one spring we were sitting on the front pourch and the weather was funni, and out of no where all these birds came and started eatting something in our yard. hundreds of these birds. Apparently something caused these bugs or little red worms or soemthign to come out fo the ground.
Or ont he fourth of July some of the neighbors and my parent's friends used to come over and hang out ont he front pourcha nd we would shoot bottle rockets up into the neighborhood. then the 5th of July we used to walk around Walton Wood (the housing edition) and pick them all up. When i was driving into Walton Woods before I got to my old house, I saw all those houses i used to trick or treat at. There was one, it was like triangle shaped and brown wood, they were really nice and always gave good candy. In the fall, the lights in their house looked so amazing with the trees fromt he outside looking in. Oh falls in Walton. There are trees all over that little town, it was gorgous, that atmosphere was amazing. I love that place, it's small and freindly, I always felt really safe there. If you ever read Grissom's Bleachers, Walton is the town and Lewis Cass is the high school I see it set at. Small farm school, overly concerned with foot ball, good team, cranky ass coach, and everyone in the town would be over at his house when he started to die. When they sit up on the bleachers in the book remeniscing about those old games they used to play there, I can see our football feild. All the time I spent there practicing my ass off for color guard, freezing my ass of during the games, and graduation when we had the food fight out there and the basketball team brough balloons full of urine. Oh the basket ball team, 2A 2003 state champs, the only time they made it past sectionals and they won the whole darn thing. I walked down to graduate with Zach Fry on my arm. I had the biggest crush on him and Michael Keller in elementary school. Michael Keller is a starter for the basketball team, class president, valavictorian, and the owner of the DNA in the urine that was on everyone after graduation practice. Zach Fry, another player, another urine slinger.
Ahh, fond LCK memories...
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