Jul 17, 2007 20:48
I think I may be in trouble. I seem to be stuck in this time period. Not that I don't like talking with all of you-!! I just think I should get back. There are things I need to do.. Oh, no, Old man Kawahiro! He needs help in the ramen shop! And I need the money for college... In fact, I need to STUDY for college. Plus, I'm worried about my past self... *frowns worriedly*
Mmm, maybe I could get a job in the nice restaurant in front of this cyber cafe. And I guess I could borrow some textbooks from Sawada-san. if you don't mind, of course? ^^ Apart from that, all I can do is wait, it seems. I can't find that jerk of a cow Lambo anywhere. (and because I know you are going to ask: yes, Prince-sama, he is Beef, as you call him ^^;)
I'll make it work out somehow! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an interview at a restaurant to take. :D Xie, xie! (that's goodbye in Chinese, in case some of you get confused :D)
Edit: Oh, dear, I just got asked out by Longchamp-san. *doesn't know how to respond*