
Sep 16, 2005 17:22

I finished my first week of teaching. With the schedule this year I'm teaching the lower half of all Senior one classes, which is equivalent to our tenth grade. Paul, another returning teacher, has the other half of the classes. We see them once a week. We see our Senior twos, eleventh grade, every other week, plus we share two of the senior two classes. My schedule isn't too bad, I have Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings off, but I have to work until 6 on Fridays. Except today, because Autumn Festival is Sunday, so the students were dismissed early. It is always nice to get some time off, except that I wasn't told until noon. I also will be a week behind with one of my classes. I may ask to teach two big classes in two weeks so that class isn't behind. A big class is when I teach all 60 students at once. Normally I wouldn't do that, but the first two weeks are introducing my expectations of them as students and a introduction to me. It tends to be lecture, so it works for a big class, where other weeks it makes things very difficult, as some activities are not possible.

Since I'm teaching senior students there are some big changes.  One, the best I think, is that I inherated an old senior three classroom, since it wasn't a foriegn teacher's classroom, it still has the computer and most importantly a digital projector!  So I can do my lessons on powerpoint, this helps the students so much!  It also forces me to prepare a bit more than I did last year.  I'm in the senior building so I have fans, which does make the classroom a bit cooler.

Things I've already discovered in just one week of teaching:
1. I like the smell of cigerettes in our bathrooms, it overpowers the stench of stale urine. (The students are older and more likely to smoke, but it is still not allowed, so they smoke in the bathrooms)
2. I love teahing with powerpoint!
3. Even if it isn't hot a sweat when teahcing, it gets to hot to wear my hair down.
4. My favorite sound teaching is my students laughing.
5. I feel completely in my element teaching.

For your next entry I will include a list of my favorite English names students have this year.
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