Jul 11, 2008 13:15
...There are a multitude of reasons as to why I haven't updated, but the main reason is that I was too busy with my real life and my full-time job. Coincidentally, neither exist any more. Good new for my livejournal. Bad news for my bank account.
Let's see. Mike and I moved in together October of 2006. We were engaged February of 2007. Married by October of 2007. Pregnant by February of 2008. We will be parents in November of 2008 to a baby boy, who will be named Max. Obviously Mike and I are fertile human beings, since Max is a surprise and I was on birth control. Either that or Max is very important to the history of mankind and just HAD to be born RIGHT now. I'm going to go with the latter since my son has to be the center of the universe to me and the rest of the world.
Unfortunately, my life and pregnancy combined sucks. A lot.
I can't wait until my son (haha, I already sound like all the crazy moms with their sons) is born.