Desperately Wanting

Nov 07, 2005 01:15

Sometimes I feel like my life is a soap opera. Other times I know it is. But...I know I am the cause of most of my life's drama. As much as I'll bitch about it, I know that, if my life was completely drama free, I would most likely want to shoot myself. I'm not exactly used to everything being calm and serene. The more chaos in my life the better.

I do know what I want. What I don't know is who I want or when I want what I want. Makes no sense, I know.

Katie and I were talking today at work. We both want, not so much a boyfriend, but a companion. I want somebody to hang out with and watch movies. Somebody who I know is thinking about me at least once a day. Somebody I can depend on, no matter what. Something like a best friend, but not as...complicating.

Best friends are great. I love the two that I have. I can't really say that my friendship with either of them is simple. Actually, none of my relationships with anybody is simple. I guess simplicity is one of those things that just goes away when you hit puberty. Thank God I was a late bloomer!

I have no idea where I was going with this. Pretty much nowhere. But I wanted to say something and show off my shiney new icon.

I like being a dork.


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