Venue Chaos

Oct 19, 2005 00:01

Tonight the venue was in a bit of disarray. The taxi dancer was also the venue manager which meant that she couldn't take the beginner revisited class during the intermediate. The beginner class went on past what would be freestyle and into intermediate. The intermediate class went on well past half nine. Furthermore the beginners couldn't do the revisited class until after the intermediate class. I was tempted to offer to taxi but, again, it would be on my own and I don't think I'd be very good (there would be a way to find out though). Had some good dances and noticed that there are some really good beginner followers out there. Danced with my ickle sister and one of my long term friends in some double trouble which was good fun even though I was making up most of it. Being super busy with women I didn't get the chance to dance with half of the people I wanted to including a big bunch of beginners which I really wanted to. Seriously I should give this taxi thing a go.

Beginners moves :).
  • Catapult Trickster. Start the catapult; move forward under tension. Take the right hand over your head and the left hand at the woman's left hip. Twirl her in front but as her back is turned use your thumb (!) on her right hand to stop her and take her hands back as if she was leading a catapult. Take your right hand out and over her head bring your left hand in front of you. Twirl in front of her with your right hand high then take both hands behind you as you move into the catapult under tension position. From there exit as a catapult.
  • Basket Case. Start the Basket but on the step back release with the left hand and put that to her right shoulder. Step her forward using the right and then spin anticlockwise using the left. Step to her left and put your right hand (flat hand facing down) to guide her forward before turning her to face and taking with the left.
  • Same tango style first move thing that we've done previously. Still bad at it; still love it.

ceroc, dance

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