I've got a backdated ceroc entry nearly ready to go. That will appear before this post.
Went to a Salsa class tonight which I'm trying out for a while. Went to the absolute beginner's class even though I have
done some salsa before. Last time I stated that I did enjoy my dances even though they felt as hopelessly limited as my Ceroc did when I started that. Well this time it was worse. There were lots of very experienced dancers there tonight and I felt that I gave them some really dull dances. I also found some of the music a little challenging to pick up the beat on. Like the first time I went I still had a little difficulty not trying to start something else on the 4th beat. Anyway even though I danced a little ceroc at one stage (only because the woman was interested) I'm still looking forward to giving it another go.
Moves; like the
last time. On twirling a woman you take your left hand left, right then up (on each beat) to indicate she should go into a spin (it feels a bit like trying to execute an uppercut on Streetfighter) where she'd perform a right spin which consists of a step forward (left foot) pivot on both feel to face the other way (second beat) and then push with the left foot spinning 180° on right to face partner. We also did a spin as a man that when stepping back on right (5th beat) you pivot on both feet swapping the woman's hand to your right hand behind you then spin clockwise to face. We also did the Mambo step with a high frame with right hand on shoulder blade and left in a ceroc like hold. Finally we also did a left turn which takes a full eight beats. Start left forward; tap right; left back to behind the right and at an 90° to the left. Cross step the right over the left to turn away; tap left and straighten it (to be able to put your weight on it); spin using left foot 180° to face partner.