Wave a Wistful Bye Bye to Baltimore...

Apr 14, 2008 17:40


That's where I spent my Sunday...seeing one of the most kickass and nicest chicks on Broadway finish out her 1,200th or so performance (4 years!) run as Tracy Turnblad.
Shannon put on a great final performance and finally gave into the tears for "I know where I've been". Alot of the creative staff and former cast was on hand to send her off. Marc Shaiman's speech at the end was touching yet incredibly funny and in the Hairspray Tracy leaving tradition, Krispy Kremes were provided for the entire audience. I'm very sad to see her go, but this is just the beginning for her. Joel and I got strict orders to to email her and keep in touch and keep tabs on her website for her upcoming projects. We brought her flowers and a card but it's like that simple thank you can never be enough for all the awesome stuff she's done for us these last few years. And to think it all started with hairpins flying from her wig into my face! It was really bittersweet. Though some laugh out loud moments in the show- Kasey and Todd I'm looking at you- helped keep it light.

Weird that I can say that I had such a good day, but such a sad one all at the same time. I swear one of these days, Joel and I are going to make Overheard in New York! Emotional spillage and "sparkling coversation" over Chipotle is always a fine way to end an evening as well. Let's not forget that Joel "is a very lucky man."
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