So all my shit is breaking. Within the span of a month or two, my trusty Olympus camera took its last fall, my trademark 'Kung-Fu the Legend Continues' green satchel started to tear critically, i destroyed my favourite pair of pants falling of a concrete loading dock, and my immortal Motorolla telephone just didn't wake up one morning. I guess it's been easier to swallow that it's all happened in one catastrophic whirlwind, but I've been feeling like a bit of an ape trying to re-train myself to learn all this new technology (well.. pants haven't come that far, I can figure those out).
It's been a hell of a technological leap from my old phone to the new one. I went from monochrome dot-matrix calculator-style liquid crystal to a fuckin' colour picture mp3 game-filled little machine.
Frankly, I miss the old one. You don't know how many people would get a glassy-eyed nostalgic look when they saw me bust that thing out. "I used to have that phone in Highschool... I wish I'd never got rid of it!" Good reception, no frills, and built like a tank (except for the aerial, which everyone broke off by accident in the first week). I hate how every new piece of technology is trying to be its own fucking media centre. I don't need to take crappy pictures or listen to mp3s on my damn phone. That's why I have a camera. And an iPod. And having a colourful background of palm trees and fancy animated transitions doesn't really help me send text messages or make calls. I feel like personal electronics is in its awkward pimple-faced puberty phase and we're suffering through it. I wish Swiss Army made a cell phone with JUST the things you needed it to do, with no colourful display, and built strong enough to be run over by a car. Oh, and I guess it could have a bottle opener on it too...