Jul 08, 2015 22:47
It's not that I have that many secrets or anything, but I'd rather be able to control (for the most part) whose reading into my life. It's mostly drawings and such under the friends only cuts... 'cause I'm cool that way.
Natch, a lot of entries will be open to the public - because it seems so paranoid to me to have it all under lock and key. That and I like to share my stupidity. Ha cha! It's mostly fandom, personal and general geekiness that gets hidden under the friends lock.
Um, guidelines?
+ Have something in common with me.
+ You don't write everything in that obnoxious chat speak.
+ Love me and I'll love you.
+ If you want my help with something, feel free to ask (lj questions, child bearing, etc.).
+ Don't add me if all your posts consist of nothing but quiz results. I'd like to know YOU, not the pizza topping you are most like!
friends only