Jun 19, 2006 23:20
So I think this year's AMA was easily one of the best times I've had at a con. Yeah there were problems, but they were completely shadowed by sheer awesomeness. It was great getting to see everyone again or for the first time. Happy birthday Mahoney and thanks for getting me pleasantly buzzed. I really need a job so that I can make it to Otacon. Speaking of which...I had testing for GEICO today and I kicked its fucking ass! Being an English major really did help out since they tested my grammar skills and made me write an essay. The essay caught me totally off guard tho. I really couldn't think of what to write at first. It was "explain why you would be a valuable addition to the GEICO family" or some shit. I was running out of things to write so I just started saying how I'd really like to work for "such a great company" blah blah blah. Basically, I was two sentences away from saying I'd give the gecko a blow job if they'd give me a job in return. Luckily time ran out and I had to hand it in. Anywho, I've got a phone interview tomorrow and if I do well with that, I move on to round 3: an hour long interview with a real person. What the fuck are we going to talk about for an hour? Should I buy the person dinner afterward? Do I need a condom? GEICO is strange, but I really want health insurance and money. But I'm not selling out. GEICO is buying IN to me.
My sister comes home in about 3 weeks! I'm excited. I haven't seen her since Christmas. I'm totally gonna help her out by editing some music for her for a senior dance performance she has to do in a few months. She was going to be charged $80 for some company to edit a Bring in da Noise, Bring in da Funk track by adding some dead space in the middle for an a capella solo and cut out a bit of the music and go straight to the end. Soooooo easy. Nice to know that I could charge less to undercut other business that'll charge exorbitant amounts of money for labor that takes 5 minutes.
Can't think of anything else. PEACE!