Last night on the Mass Pike

Feb 20, 2006 14:57

Let's see, where to begin? My Grandma just turned 84 and is damn cute. My Grandpa is 85 and damn crazy. The stories are too long, so just take my word on it. Good b-day party, though it got off to a very late start. Good home cooked meal, good to see family. Learned about the R factor. It's like the X factor, but it keeps you warmer.

Still no job! WTF? It seems I only get a break when I'm down to my last bit of money. Maybe if I hide my money in my floor boards, I'll trick fate into giving me a job? Or I'll go put an application in at the Country Club in Hamburg and go on unemployment until that starts? Wait, I know, I've got a lot of blood just sitting around in my body not doing anything...

Had a dream that there was a brown bear loose on the streets. It really didn't like me and kept biting my arm. Everyone else could pick it up like a puppy and it'd fall asleep on their lap. Now let's analyze this: could the bear represent my fears lashing out at me? Or was it a manifestation of my wants and desires that keep getting pushed aside? Or could it be that bears just simply don't like me? I'm leaning toward this one cuz bears like to fuck my shit up.

There was probably more for this post, but I can't remember shit. Oh yeah, internet comes on Thursday between 3 and 5. No more stealing! Woot! Aight, I'm out.

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