do not go gently into that good night

Apr 01, 2005 01:05

I am going to try my damndest to keep this entry short, since I seriously need to catch up on some sleep. But I felt the LJ a'callin'.

Procrastination has been my middle name as of late.
I'm concerned about my grades. Right now I figure I've got a guaranteed A in German, B+/A- in English, and then Stats...all depends on the final. I'm pulling an A- average for the homework, but the final will be 80% of my grade. I plan on starting to study for the final a week in advance, and locking myself in the library if necessary.
So, if I disappear and you see an away message that goes something like 'STATS IS EATING OUT MY SOUL GAAAHHHHH', you'll know I'm hauling some ass. I have to.

We've got a new house in Wixom. More specifically, in the infamous monstrosity that they call 'Wexford Mews'. I'll be right across the street from Rachel, and within about 1 mile of half of my graduating class. Great. I can't escape anyone.
I have mixed feelings. I got the hardwood floors and the fireplace that I wanted. But it's also so much further from all the things I'm used to. I'm gonna have to find a new place to get my nails done, drive a good 20 minutes to get to Molly's, not have a 711 as convenient, etc. Ech.
But, the move in should be exciting. It'll be around May 3rd, and I expect each and every one of you to come help. My mom will probably buy a ton of food, we'll blast annoying pop music, I'll hurt myself carrying all know how the drill goes.
I most want to have Kyle, V-hovel, and Jason there. That would make the experience for me.
My first order of business in my new room will be to find good locations for my Jim Morrison poster and my journals. Everything else is secondary.

It's a Thursday night and there's a party going on next door. I stayed sober tonight, for whatever reason. I spent the majority of the night in John's room, kind of watching 'The Big Lebowski'. Technically, I think I still haven't seen that movie.
I don't know what's going on with John and me. Yesterday we went to the mall to get him some new cologne, which is such a girlfriend thing to do. I was for the Burberry London, but we agreed on Dunhill Desire. It's growing on me.
I got more underwear. I'm addicted.
I've been spending ridiculous amounts of time with John. He just makes me happy, but in a way I can't readily explain. He and I just think the same with so many things. We're both love Ralph Lauren and are pretentious assholes, so maybe that's it.
I know it may come as a shock to many of you that I am quick to judge people...and that I'm slightly conceited...
And, I love kissing. And John knows how to kiss. So, why the hell not?
Me and my impulses are going to bring about the collapse of the universe. Or maybe that will be the day that I am rational and considerate, but that wouldn't be quite so fun.
It's worth it just to see the casual glances he'll give me, when his face melts and his eyes glow. I am the most beautiful thing in his life right now, and I am tempted to believe that nothing about that statement involves the physical. But who really knows.
I like making people happy.

Last weekend was decent.
I got to see Nate on Saturday night, and damn near peed my pants when I tackled him on my father's doorstep. We had dinner at my Dad's, which included a ton of Tomatoes pizza (my favorite) and cuddling.
Nate is so comfortable, but I guess that's old news. I love how Nate remains so consistent, but then I realize how much it bothers me when he changes something small. For example, his new girlfriend bought him Aqua di Gio, and he wears it. Nate and cologne? That's like Nate wearing something not from Old Navy. Ahh ahh. I think I just actually cringed.
Nate's smell was always just soap + Pantene Pro-V + light sweat. So I wrapped him up in my arms and was slightly taken aback.
So, now Nate is another one of the millions of men who swear by Aqua di Gio. Those conforming monkeys.
Jimmy actually lay down in my lap for awhile....ok...pause
Yes, so Jimmy enjoyed the nails and how they felt while scratching his head and back. I haven't gotten that good of a cuddle out of Jimbo in years. He's discovered the ladies these days, and flirts with waitresses. My lil bro is getting so big...
Then I of course did the same cuddling for Nate, and we talked about his adventures in Barcelona and Worchester. We talked about music, mostly. Who else can get as exciting about 40-part choral works?
He might stay out in Massachusetts for part of the summer. This means that I MUST go visit, hopefully with Laura.
That night also included some cruising around in the Subaru, blasting Guster, and singing at the top of our lungs. We hung out at the Pipers for awhile. Ben made me 4 raviolis, which was exciting. Then we all watched Monty Python, Molly showed up, and I was suddenly aware of how drastically things have changed.
Not necessarily for the worse. I was sprawled on the Pipers couch with my hair un-did, no makeup, and dirty clothes, which is how I spent half of my senior year basically. Some things haven't changed.
I miss Molly a lot too. Who else can rejoice over a plain Gap tee like we can?
Molly needs me, and I need Molly. I think we both kind of hate that since we're such independent people. Dependency has been a major weakness in our lives, I think, so we run from that. But when it all comes down to it, I know I can turn to her.
After all, I have puked on the girl and she still talks to me. That's a sign of something, right?
I then spent a good 3 hours that night on my couch writing in my REAL journal, eating Count Chocula and watching Sex & the City reruns.
There are few better things in life.

I need some new miniskirts, dammit. And this awesome weather needs to become a consistent thing, I think. I loved seeing the Diag so full of people. I love Ann Arbor and all of the crazy hippies. I just love Ann Arbor, period. It's so beautiful to me. I can't wait to spend next summer here.
But, Wixom will have to do for this summer.

Alright, my friends. It is time for sleeping. I've had an eventful day. Tomorrow is a Linden Boy party, and I am psyched. Laura is also coming up, so hopefully Ryan and I can convince her to go to that.
Then Afternoon Delight on Saturday morning, perhaps. Oh yum.

'What we have here is a dreamer. Someone completely out of touch with reality.'
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