Mar 20, 2012 12:18
Afternoon all, well, some of you may not have visited this part of my web corner until now, but welcome along.
This is my blog, my space and my own opinions, which this entry will contain, for some of you, it may be advisable to skip, but if you want to read on, be my guest.
I don't know when i was last here, probs the back end of january.
I'll start with health, that's well, as it goes, up days down days, though more recently, the days have been filled with joyous people and conversation.
A few weeks ago, i crashed to a low ebb, which i'll go in to in a while, i don't think i've cried so much in a long while, or a situation would affect me as much as it did.
It was at that point where i decided i had to do something about me, my life, so i did, stood up for my own opinions and well, good things came from it, wonderfully good things, but also, the very sad too.
I had a small operation a couple of weeks back which went rather well, i'm hoping for good results soon.
I know i have the good circle of people in life now to help me no matter what happens.
My asthma's been a propper bugger today, but hopefully that's on the improve now too.
I went for an eye check up yesterday, left eye got polished, right eye looking sunken in, so it's been decided that a clear shell will be fitted to make things look more balanced.
I'll be going for the first appointment for that on 24th July.
That's health over with.
My mum moved into her new place a few weeks back and that, is really nice, quite big and homely, fits her needs perfectly and i have to say i like the lay out.
I still struggle to cope with grandad's dementia.
Every visit makes me feel flat by the end of it and ultimately frustrated but, you carry on doing the best you can.
It's not nice when he tells you he's walked all of the way round the world, practically impossible, he knows someone off emmerdale or corronation street who we've never met in our lives and a newsreader lives in kempston.
As most of you know by now, i no longer work for team FM which i now believe has defunked.
Things just, went badly wrong.
A friend of mine was being treated wrong and there were certain things on and off station that started to not sit right.
I carried on because, you're either afraid to say anything or want to keep a job you enjoy.
I started to struggle with playlists drastically, i'm playing the same thing here, week in week out.
All my entnhusiasm, along with my health, left me seriously drained.
I struggled on a thursday, i started to dread shows instead of enjoy them.#
Now some songs, have bad language in them. I realised some are offended by this, but for me, a writer should express how they feel in the manner they choose and this, should be played out on radio.
I can't stand badly edited songs with the words cut out.
Some of my fave songs have bad language in them even.
Because the policy on this was so strong, i really found it hard to pick songs that i liked, that also met the needs of the station too.
I was nurdling about one day when i found a track by linkin park that i loved, but couldn't play as there was an element of bad language at the end of every verse leading into the chorus.
I spoke to a dear friend who i have to say, did a fantastic editing job on it for me.
The work was brilliant and faultless as it usually is, it made the song playable, job done.
After this, i started to notice severe double standards.
1 rule for 1, another for someone else and it started to bug me.
The way a friend was being treated which ultimately led up to their resignation affected me. This atmosphere wasn't the same.
Time for me to leave, me thinks.
The day another friend left was the day everything fell for me.
There was discussion on list, fingers were being pointed, oh it's your fault and eventually, team FM came to a close and, i was there when the ship literally sank.
I saw my email account go and my shared folder in the dropbox dissappear.
Without the help of some friends, i really don't know where i'd have been that day.
I stuck my ground and wasn't willing to give.
I'm taking some time back from radio now, to concentrate on other things, but the kitten corner will be back.
I want to thank everyone who tuned in, everyone who stuck with it, you guys are amazing, loyal to the end and well, what can i say, we had fun.
I wish now, station management you know who you are, would grow the hell up, stop pointing fingers, writing very unproffessional childish emails and get on with their lives.
Say 1 thing, tweet another, expect a presenter to read it out and then ultimately bollock them for being unreasonable.
As i said, this entry is honest and i've given my point of view.
With this, i have to say that a couple of friendships have ended.
I enjoyed our time together, but ultimately we grew apart.
I'm sitting here now, drinking coffee and feeling happy with my lot.
Most of my colleagues and lifelong friends now broadcast on
Please tune into their shows, they're truly wonderful people who i have the pleasure to know.
I know who my true friends are and in a true friendship, you don't stand up and walk out the door. you're there through bad times and good. You pick someone up when they're down and celebrate when times are fun.
You don't kick them in the back 1 minute and be nice to them the next.
I see my roles as very important and ones i'll continue to fulfill, the role of a true friend.
I'll be off now, thanks for reading and sorry if this is long or rambly.
Finally, a once square hole has now become round, fitting into the correct place of a jigsaw.