Diary of an Incubus (Chapter I: Tall, Dark, & Not your boyfriend...)

Apr 13, 2005 02:11

The lost art…

Diary of an Incubus

I whole heartedly believe that Seduction is a dying art form. I myself am a slave to this art. The pink tulip represents the kind of man I am… Unfortunately I am also represented by the blue moon. Fate has given me a great gift, but not with out a curse. These are my tales, please allow me to share my experiences so that others may learn.


The lost art…

Diary of an Incubus

I whole heartedly believe that Seduction is a dying art form. I myself am a slave to this art. The pink tulip represents the kind of man I am… Unfortunately I am also represented by the blue moon. Fate has given me a great gift, but not with out a curse. These are my tales, please allow me to share my experiences so that others may learn.


Chapter I

Tall, Dark, & Not your boyfriend…

“1… 2… 3… 4…”

“Good try again.”

“1… 2… 3… 4…”

I tried to keep her on time with the rhythm, but things were not as easy as they would seem. I see where it is kind of hard to be so used to doing something your whole life, then changing it all of a sudden.

“Ok, try and taking out the 3 beat and merging it with just the 4. Or just think of it as a quick, quick, slow pace.”

I have been teaching her now for about 4 weeks of salsa lessons, and have been trying desperately to break her from her ballet background. Salsa is supposed to come from the soul, a dance where you surrender your mind and body and let the music take over. She however did not see this and tried simply too hard to get the music.

“Salsa is like making love, ok?”

“Um…” she gave me an off look.

“Ok let me rephrase this… Salsa is letting your mind go and becoming one with everything around you.”

“And how is that supposed to be like sex?”

I could tell that she was not on the same page as me. I was going to have to re-think my approach.

“Not sex. I said making love, there is a difference you know. Sex is something that animals do to make babies, or drunken high school students do after prom. Making love is allowing body and mind to surrender to the world around you, and the person your with.”

She looked at me with a puzzled yet intent expression.

“Go on…”

“When you listen to salsa, you have to become a slave to the music, let it control you, let it become your energy. The music has a strong rhythmic bass, this is what drives your feet to move. Your partner is your lover, you must share the same energy!”

“So I’m supposed to make love to my dance partner?”

Could you be asked a more awkward question?

“No, yes, wait, NO! Let me think this over… Making love is a beautiful experience that should be shared in a type of bliss that words cannot describe. Dance is the same, especially with salsa. You become one with your dance partner, much like making love should be, and you become one with the music, and become one with the dance floor.”


We danced, and danced and danced so long I thought my legs where going to fall off, but I think she was finally starting to understand. She was letting go, loosening up, and letting the rhythm take over.

We practice for about an hour more, and then we kind of both gave up at the same time. Being tired was an understatement, at that point I believe it was pure will power keeping both of us up. It was a good lesson… a very good lesson if I do say so myself.

It is my personal belief that enjoyment is what drives us. I have been able to sense what women want, therefore giving them what they desire. This comes in multiple aspects.

~*~ A few months later ~*~

She had finally understood what it meant to dance, and dance with passion. The floor would almost ignite with pure energy, it was a beautiful thing. We could dance a song, and clear the floor within the first few measures of music. People watched us with such awe and amazement, and we both fed off of it like stars in the spotlight. It was glorious, finally we had reached that pinnacle in dancing. I felt however part of it was a curiosity to understand me, not only as a dance trainer, but as a person.

She once asked me what it was that allowed me to understand dancing so well. I told her that it was my ability to read my partner. We had finally gotten to the point where she could get lost in the music, however, she started to not follow my lead, and dance to her own beat. This is a huge problem in many aspects. I don’t want to step on any toes here but in dance the male is supposed to lead, and trust me I am envious of the ladies, sometimes I wish I could just enjoy myself and let someone else do the thinking!

There gets a time where you have to sometimes just stop the music and start over.

“Stop, just for a second, your not letting me lead you.”

“Sure I am!”

“Actually, no. Here, close your eyes and let me guide your body side to side, and try and feel my weight shift… Good.”

She almost understood what I was trying to tell her, but I could sense a bit of confusion. In salsa you must not only feel the rhythm but feel your partner as well. This was something that is almost impossible to explain to someone, it is just something you have to feel. It was time to try something a little more drastic.

“Grab my hips.”

She did as told, with a bit of hesitation, I don’t blame her, males are supposed to have their hips held onto, but I needed to make a point.

“Do you feel how my hips sway side to side?”

She nodded in response.

“Now take a look at my upper body, it stays perfectly still, if I want I can move my arms around with the music, but for the most part my chest stays in one place. This is about the hips love! Shake what your momma gave you!”

She just laughed at me and let go of my hips.

“Now your turn, I’m going to lead you by your hips.”

Before she could say anything I grabbed onto her hips and spun her around. Her body violently jerked and didn’t spin all that well. I had to keep from laughing because she looked so off balanced that I thought she was going to fall over… I’m horrible sometimes! I promptly grabbed her waist again and forced her into the basic pattern, until she developed a rhythmic sense in time with what I was leading her into.

“Good, good, see how you can still keep with the music, but I’m forcing you to stay with me, I’m forcing you to sway your hips in sync with mine, I’m leading you in dance!”

“Kind of like making love?”

“Something like that.”

I couldn’t hold back the smirk. I didn’t know if she was getting it finally or being a smart ass. The point I was trying to make was that the guy, when knowing what he is doing, should set the rhythm. Now I understand if the guy doesn’t know what he is doing he should be sent home with his tail between his legs!

“Now close your eyes… and trust me.”

It was a bit odd at first but after the third dance she was really in sync with my body. This is one of the few moments in dance where things come together. It all makes sense, the proverbial light bulb clicks on. Time went on, and things were looking up for us, she was really understanding how this all worked.

~*~ Here comes the plot! ~*~

Now there is something you must know about me. I have an uncanny ability to read women, and when I say this is an uncanny ability, I mean it is almost other worldly. To me I try and use this gift whenever I can. It’s not that I’m trying to seduce every woman I’m around, it is simply the way I interact with them. I am a very sexual being and sometimes this presence I have about me can be a bit over whelming.

In dance especially I give it my all. I believe that yes, it is a very sexual dance, it is high energy, very seductive in movements and should be treated like a wild night in the bedroom. Some might say, well it is just dancing, but if you compare it to love making, and you have the same outlook, such as “It’s just sex” and “It’s just dancing” you are not going to be good in either department! Women like to dance, and they liked to experience dance, as an enjoyable activity. If you watch the hips in salsa you will see exactly what I am talking about!

Tall, Dark and not your boyfriend… Wow… this is horrible. I know, what everyone is thinking, how could I say something like that? Well it is true! Women come and learn to dance, at any age, simply to enjoy themselves. It just happens to be I add a little more excitement then what they originally bargain for! Lets just say that when your not around people you normally see everyday, it is almost like a breathe of fresh air, and sometimes I’m that breathe. Well, when dancing is good, and with a good partner it can be one of the most erotic experiences of your life…

I feed off of energy, I specifically feed off of sexual energy, and this is who I am… Now when dancing people release an over abundant amount of energy, it is exercise after all. Imagine if you will that you dance better than you have ever danced before. The music takes you over… your body is in sync with your partner… your sweating, your body feels like ooze, you feel like your moving by pure will power, it almost seems like an out of body experience. That right there is good times for the both parties. That my friend is salsa at its finest… that right there is love making at its best!

~*~ Once dancing is second nature ~*~

“You ready for this?”

“Of course, just don’t let me wear you out.”

“Oh hardy har… aren’t you just little miss giggles?”

“You like it!”

“Yeah………… and?”

We left it at that with a few small chuckles and proceeded to put on the music. Things were going along quite nicely, she was really progressing in dance, and she was starting to feel my rhythm and energy on the dance floor without me trying to lead so much. She was turning into a wonderful dancer, and I was absolutely thrilled. I thought I would challenge her this day and put on my thirteen minute long salsa mega mix! That indeed was festive, festive beyond words. After the song we sat down and just kind of relaxed for a second, and tried to catch our breathe.

“That was intense!”

“That my dear lady was salsa!”

“And how come we just couldn’t have done that from the beginning?”

“Good things come with practice?!?”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah… I know practice makes perfect, but I could see where people would just totally be a slave to dance, well at least salsa if they can have an experience like that from the get go.”

“This is an art form. It takes practice and dedication. It is something that should be held on a level of mastery even. It is at its best when it is refined!”

“So you’re telling me that you’re a master of dance.”

“To an extent yes, but you can never know everything, part of the beauty of dance is being able to try new things, and constantly be learning.”

“So if salsa is like making love, do the same principles apply?”

There was the kicker… She had become wise to the game, I don’t know if I should have been proud of her, or if I should have been prepping myself for what was about to happen. I could only reply with a bit of laughter first, not knowing still what to make of it.


“You caught me. You found the secret of my success.”

She just laughed at me, and without saying a word turned the music back on, and skipped forward to one of my favorite salsa songs of all times. She grabbed my hand and took me out to the dance floor with a look of mischief in her eyes. The intro to the music stopped and gave a brief moment for me to strike a pose, to which she comically mimicked my pose, and the battle begun.

I started this dance with a bit of freestyle footwork, just to show her that I still was the teacher and she was the student. Well, I was wrong… apparently she was feeling a bit cocky and did a little bit of fancy footwork of her own.

“Not bad… not bad.”

I lead her into a few turns before a lot of progressive movements. The beauty about progressive moves in salsa is that you have to really book it across the dance floor. There is no standing in place and shaking your ass. There is only shaking your ass all over the dance floor! The motions are fast and almost whip like in nature. Both of us where just on the fucking rhythm, we could not step off beat, it was a wonderful thing! I brought her close to me, hip to hip, and swayed with the music, glancing at her with a more than devious look. She just smiled at me with a coy look in her eyes, so I spun her out and stopped her with the timing of the music.

I love hitting pausing in the music, its sexual chocolate if you ask me! A slow over sway and a dip and we brought our feet together at the same time, the music picked up again and so did we. A series of fast spins and arm locks and twists lead into the next few eight counts. I was trying to show off, and make her keep up with me, and to my surprise she was. I spun her out to my right side and held her hand opposite to me, and spun her inward. Like a glove she slipped right into the dip, and hung over my leg, and brought her leg up around my waist. Smart girl… I pulled her back up into dance position and right back on the rhythm she stepped back right into the basic step and we were on our way again.

By now her hair had been flung out of her pony tail, and her bangs were covering her eyes and parts of her hair was flying all over the place. Her shirt was giving way to the sweat and starting to droop over her shoulders, the glistening of sweat on her neck was more than visible and hair was sticking to her flesh, only for brief moments in time before a spin would send her hair out in a wild flail. Her breathing was getting heavy and so was mine, we were trying to out do each other, and it was a battle of titans!

Just for a second in a cross over she did a little fan with her legs, to which I promptly gave her a pull, and spun her back into place, as if to say “NO! I lead!” it was in good humor and she even cracked a smile. From a cross arm lead, I turned my back to her and let her slide into my back side. What happened next totally set her and me off.

She stopped, fully pressed against my backside and slide down my body, only to snap back up, get on her tip toes and put her head over my shoulder and giggle.

“Oh, someone thinks they are cute don’t they?”

She said nothing, instead she bit my ear and flicked it with the tip of her tongue. It wasn’t bad enough I could smell the sexual energy emanating from her body, and could just feel it being sent my way. Oh no, that was not enough apparently. It is one thing for me to feed off of sexual energy, but when it is forced upon me, it sends me into a blood lust. She knew not what she was getting herself into. I reached around me and grabbed her hips and was able to spin her around, and back into dancing.

Keep in mind we had been dancing for about an hour now, and she had to put on one of my favorite songs that happened to be close to seven minutes long. We were but three minutes into the song! A few patterns went on before it was turn about time. All is fair in love and war right? I gave her a half spin and caught her by the waist, my arms around her, and a hand on her hip, I pulled her into a dip that caused her to put all of her wait into me and lean backwards. She thought it would be artistic or something to place her arm up and around my head to add to the effect of the dip… or something.

She left her neck exposed… Her hair was flung off to the other side and she left the left side of her neck completely exposed. It was glistening and you could just feel the heat coming off of it. If it was just a few degrees colder, or maybe if we were outside you could have seen steam rise from her skin. I held her into me and it was like a shock coming into my chest, as I felt her back pressed firmly against me. I could feel her heartbeat, it was in tune with the music… it was in tune with my own beat. Absent mindedly I inhaled deeply across her neck… I could feel the energy enter my lungs, I was feeding off of her, and my lips weren’t even touching her.

There is something strangely erotic about feeding. People for some weird sense love to be fed on… it makes them feel alive, it’s the sensation of energy flowing from your body, a very empowering experience believe it or not. I could feel her body go slightly rigid against my own as I inhaled deeply from her shoulder all the way up to her ear. I held the dip just for a moment, it almost seemed to be choreographed with the music, it just felt like the right time to pause and take this all in.

From my inhale she quickly gasped for air, if not from shock, it was from trying to regain composer… however when gasping for air, there is not much you can do for composer. Again something so simple yet so very erotic! She bit her lower lip and a smile crossed her face. Her eyes closed shut and she just relaxed into my body. I let her hold this just for another count in the music before I started to move out of this more than sensual dip. The next few moves were with her pressed tightly against me, mainly hip work. At first I will admit, learning to move your hips seemed a bit awkward, but in moments like this, there is nothing better a man can do.

I spun her out, and we continued with a series of quick spins and twists moving across the dance floor almost in a blind rage. So much energy was being released so much sexual tension was building up. Her pony tail now had been completely lost, her hair tie had been flung off into some corner of the dance floor, and had that hair blown in the wind, best sex of your life kind of look about her.

I turned her into a side break to my right hand side, and grabbed both of her hands and prepped her for a dip that in all honesty, we shouldn’t have done at this time. This move is where the couple locks knees and counter weights away from each other, almost in a squat. The real trick of this move is coming back together, the bodies slowly snake together from the knees, to the thighs, to the hips, to the waist, to the chest, and eventually partners end up face to face.

Having lost almost all track of time I had no idea how far we were into this song. By the time I initiated this dip we were in the last eight count, and when our bodies started to snake up together we ended up face to face, and chest to chest right on the last beat of the music. We were still hand and hand, our breathing heavy, and our chests rising and falling in perfect rhythm with each other, as if the music was still playing. Past her wildly flung hair I could see her eyes, glistening in the light of the dance hall and staring deep into my own. She was giving me a look of pure desire and lust… this is the look that I crave for… the very essence I feed on.

What had to be one of the most painful parts is that her lips were just a few inches away from mine… her lips where wet and glistening… slightly parted, breathing heavily so very inviting. I let go of her hand, and as if going back into dance position I placed my left hand in the small of her back. I let it linger there for a second and smiled ever so innocently at her… she didn’t buy it. She smiled at me then gave me a look, almost as if she was waiting for me to make the next move. Well I was leading after all right?

I placed my fingernails against the base of her spine, and dug them into her back. I slide my nails up her spine, using my own energy and hers as well to send this jolt, this shiver, this wave of pure sexual energy up her body. By the time my hand reached between her shoulders and almost at the back of her neck, she had let a small moan escape her lips and tilted her head upward, and her body slightly into me even more. This was my opportunity, this was the moment where she was a slave to me, and had fallen into my seduction.

My lips wrapped around her lower lip, and I tugged on it softly almost as leading her into me. It was like places my lips around a broken power line, so much electricity, so much energy! It was if she was building this up for weeks and weeks. It was enough to make both of us slightly light headed. As I sucked on her lower lip I could feel her press her body against mine, tightly pressed against me she brought her hands over my shoulders and wrapped them around my neck, still with her neck slightly tilted backwards and eyes closed lost in this moment. I could feel the heat just pulsing out of her body, it so happens that when your pressed chest to chest with someone and they are just bleeding sex… you pick up on it… and in the worst kind of way!

Slowly… oh so slowly I released the kiss and let her lip escape my own. It is about that first kiss… the kiss of utter seduction and lust. When you know how exactly erotic seduction can be. Just for a second I held her in my arms, almost as if she was going to go weak in the knees, trying myself not go take in too much of this energy she was giving off… that’s the dangerous part about lust, it is a very powerful force.

Finally she lowered her head and looked at me eye to eye… almost with a lazy, tired look in her eyes. She smiled and licked her lips and just stared at me for a second. It was past the point of words. It doesn’t take a mind reader to tell what she was thinking… to tell what she wanted. She was seduced and she wanted to be pleased, and I was more than willing to oblige. In a very lazy, sloppy, quick-quick-slow salsa like shuffle I lead her into a wall that was next to the music system. I reached over to the CD player, and hit a random button, fortunately for me it was a Spanish guitar CD I used to teach flamenco with, it was good mood music.

I had her pressed up against the wall and she met me with another kiss. This time she was more than forceful about it… almost if she was trying to take something from me… she was more than consumed with desire… it was controlling her mind, and body. I pulled away from her and gave her one of those looks as if to say, “No, I lead.” She submitted almost immediately, and I kissed the side of her lips softly and smiled to myself.

Part of seduction is to stay in control. You no longer are seducing if you lose control, your partner then is seducing you, or seduction is lost all together. This was where I was in control, this is where she was about to find out, just how much dance and lust go hand and hand! I had control of her body and mind, and I was going to show her, what exactly I was all about.

I ran my fingers through her hair a few times trying to remove the hair from her face, each time I would let the back of my nails trail across her scalp and have my fingers brush against her ears. As hair was removed away from her eyes and face I would let trails of soft kisses move across her face… Along her cheekbone, her forehead, even along her cheek and the sides of her lips, I made sure to let my lips caress her skin no more than that of a feather. Occasionally I would press my body into hers and rub up against her and lay a forceful kiss against her the kind of kiss that seems to suck the very sexual tension out of you… the sweet release, the touch and feel of a lovers lips against your own. This was the idea… to give her what she wanted… to give her what she lusted after.

Being lost in a lover’s kiss, to have that tension relived, to feel someone else… simply to feel. The erotic embrace that seems to last an eternity, yet ends always too soon. My chest was pressed against hers, I could feel the rise and fall of her breathing grow stronger and faster pace in her breast. I could feel the music vibrating through the wall and through her body. I had her pressed against the wall and was forcing this feeling of lust from her, and she loved every second of it!

I nuzzled my face into the side of her neck and tilted her head to the side with my own, and lightly pressed my lips against her. It is the most erotic sensation to run your lips across a woman’s neck. I could feel everything so vividly as I let my lips trail across her neck and up to her ear. Kissing, and sucking lightly against her flesh, I could feel her hands absent mindedly run across my back, almost to caress me, yet un-dexterously. I brought her earlobe to my lips and sucked on it playfully, letting a small moan escape my lips amidst the suckling noises I was so very casually making. This in return caused her to moan, but not nearly as softly as my own.

I had her in my grasp… she was in my grasp and was ready. There was no need to prolong this torture, this sexual escapade. This is where I was going to let lose my magic, this hidden ability that seems to be unique only to me. This incubus trait, this pseudo mind control, and take her over. I let my lips part from her ear and with a light smack I began to whisper into her ear.

“I can feel the heat rising from your body… I can smell the scent of sex coming from your skin. I can feel every fiber of your being screaming out in lust.”

With this I could feel her body start to tense up slightly. Her breathing had become more rapid and her aimless wandering of her hands now gripped tightly around my neck. I slide my thigh between her legs, given her the chance to take hold and straddle my leg, she did so with little prompting. Again I started up with the whispers of seduction, and the much needed response I needed of my success came in the form of her nipples hardening, and pressing into my own chest.

“I know what you want. I know that your body is aching. I know that your body needs to release. You are tired of all this foreplay and you wish to break from this feeling don’t you?”


Her legs where now firmly gripped around my thigh and she was more than just absent mindedly humping my leg. The music just seemed to add to the moment. It was romantic yet strangely intense at the same time. Her head down was held down and pressed into my shoulder and she almost seemed to be resting between the wall and my own body and she rubbed herself against my leg surprisingly in time with the music. I blew softly into her ear, and went back to my whispers. However she let out a moan that silenced the first few words after I blew into her ear.

“Tell me what you want…”

She again absently mindedly moaned into my shoulder. She was grinding harder and harder into my leg. I no longer had control of what she was doing. Seduction was in the past, this was now about her wanting to get off and in the worst kind of way.

“I know what your body needs… I know that you ache, and you need to release.”

I pressed my leg into her, adding to the effect. I could feel her wetness soaking into my pant leg. She was far beyond the point of seduction, I could smell her sex filling the air, and entering my lungs. As much fun this was, and as much sexual energy I was taking in I knew that this wasn’t going to last much longer. I ran my lips around her ear, and kissed it softly waiting for the perfect moment. It was only just a minute of this light ear teasing, and her grinding against me that I could feel it was time. I pressed my lips against her ear, almost as to nestle them right inside and without even uttering a word, I told her it was time.

I didn’t need to tell her that I knew it was coming… for that moment in time, our desire, our lost, our cravings of flesh, let us think as if with one mind. It let us feel as if with one body. Her arms bent and she pressed herself forcefully against me. He body was moved slightly away from the wall as the only part of her still in contact with the wall was her upper back. Her hips went rigid and her body tensed up. It sounded as if she was holding back tears, and she let out a whimpering sound.

The whimpering soon turned into a loud groan, a groan that was not just one loud push, but instead a series of pants and groans that lasted for quite some time. Her body was shaking, I could feel her arms and legs quivering, still lost in orgasm… she had no control of her body. Wave, after wave, seemed to crash over her body, causing her to shudder violently at the end, and finally ending with a loud groan/sigh. She just held her head against my shoulder and relaxed back into the wall.

Just for a moment I held her… her body shaking slightly as she was trying to regain composer and get her breathing back into check. It wasn’t too long before she let out a giggled.

“I’m sorry…. I just totally creamed all over your leg, I’m slightly embarrassed.”

“No, no… your fine, ‘Shhhhhhh’… don’t worry please.”

I just held her… I think that is what she needed most. It wasn’t so much the sexual tension that built up and finally released. It felt like she just wanted to feel special… to be the one focal point for someone. She needed to feel sexy, she needed to feel loved. I then embraced her and gave her a strong hug, and just held her in my arms for the length of two songs. She rested her head against my chest and like a sleeping angel just rested against me, completely content.

“Thank you.”

“You’re more than welcome, and thank you.”

We finally broke the hug and looked at each other. She hugged me again and gave me a long kiss… this time it wasn’t a kiss of lust and desire, but more a kiss of contentment. She asked if she could be excused to go to the restroom and clean up a bit, and I smile and nodded. I myself did the same.

A few minutes later she came out and met me at the table where I normally do a review of the dance session. She had a look of slight disbelief in her eyes, but didn’t say anything. She sat down, and we did a review of the lesson before the last salsa. I turned to her and looked her square in the eyes, and just paused for a moment.

“Salsa is like love making… it is supposed to be a wonderful breathe taking experience.”

“Salsa is like love making…”

We left it at that. She gave me one more hug before she left. As she exited the building I could see her dancing and wiggling her butt and she walked away. First she stumbled a little bit as her legs were still shaky but she held fairly good composer and walked to her car. I sat back in my chair and stared at the dance floor and laughed to myself.

“Seduction is a lost art… how tragic indeed… Well Chimera, if you don’t keep this art form alive who will? It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.”

I turned off the music, and laughed again at my brief monologue I said aloud. I gathered my stuff and headed on my way… Wondering the next time an experience like this would present itself.

So is the life of an incubus. We live and learn via seduction and sexual experience. I myself do not like to feed off of people, instead I like to share an experience… where they can take as much from it as I do. I learn, and I exist in this sexual montage. I am Chimera… This is who I am.


“I’m the taste on your lips…”

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