Mono is just about the most miserable experience ever. Well, it varies from person to person, but I can guarantee you it's not pleasant. It's good you're seeking medical attention. I went to the doctor a few years ago with symptoms similar to what you have. I felt constantly fatigued, didn't have much appetite, and when I did eat, sometimes I'd just throw what it was right back up. Even though I was always tired, I could never get a good sleep. I'd spend twelve hours in bed and be lucky to get six hours of sleep. I couldn't sleep more than a few hours at a time, so it was never a good sleep. My urine turned an extreme yellow and stayed that way no matter how much water I drank. At one point I actually saw solid flakes of something in my urine. (I know you're glad to hear this =P) I was itchy all over all the time. My doctor sent me to a lab where they drew two vials of blood. They suspected either a sort of hepatitis or mono, but the tests came back negative for both. Two days later they sent me back again and drew four vials; again, there was no result. Then finally three days after that they drew four vials of blood again and I tested positive for mononucleosis. As you may already know, mono tends to affect your glands. When my brother got mono, his spleen became inflamed and his left side was all sore for a few weeks. For me it was my liver. My inflamed liver caused an excess of bilirubin in my blood which caused the itchy skin and the mountain dew pee. I remember each time riding to the doctor with my mother (because I was too delirious to drive myself) that even the slightest bump in the road would make me wince with pain in my liver. There's really nothing you can do except drink a lot of water and make sure you're not making the situation worse. They eventually ultrasounded my liver and saw it was at risk for becoming plugged up so they put me on steroids for a few days. They told me afterwards that had I not done this that I would have been at a serious risk of death. I recommend not taking any Tylenol; stick with the ibuprofin. Honestly, though, the only thing that made me feel any better was smoking pot. I had quit several months before the mono struck, but my doctor told me that even though it wasn't his considered medical recommendation, that getting high would ease my symptoms. He knew I used to smoke, so I took him at his word. I'm not saying you should take up drugs; most people don't get mono as bad as I had it. I got it right at the beginning of summer and missed twenty days of work. Even two months later I didn't feel 100%. I still feel that part of the reason I have a weak "stomach" for drinking is the damage that my liver incurred during this bout with mono. If your throat hurts badly, it could easily be the mono affecting your thyroid or some random exocrine gland in your throat. I really hope, for your sake, that you just have some random general illness that is making you feel this way. But regardless, I wish you the best of luck on Friday and truly hope you start to feel better!
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