(no subject)

Jun 01, 2006 09:17

Hello, I am back for a little bit but I am back. I have been MIA for a while because of school and work. I am pondering whether I should get a new job. I have been at my current job for about 5 and 1/2 years. I think I am ready for something new and different. I need something where I have the room to move up in the company. There is no room to move up anywhere here. So maybe I will be lucky and find something new soon.

I was just in a Young Dramatists Project at the Gorilla Theater. I had a blast doing it! I was a 28 year old, an 18 year old and wait for it....... a 10 year old BOY!!! Heehee. I am glad that I had such a stretch with my characters. I was surprised I was in three of the five short plays. I am going to try out for this new show that is going up at the gorilla, called Bug. The youngest role is 30's, not sure if I will even be considered but all I can do it try try try! After doing YDP I am hoping that I will be up for more roles soon. I am antsy to act.

Well, I guess that is about it for right now. :)
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