- 09:16 there's a bat sleeping in my cubicle
- 09:27 @ mandarenee not kidding. pics in a second after I recover from the heart attack I just had.
- 09:35 twitpic.com/xm2o - Cubicle bat
- 09:39 twitpic.com/xm3v - Bat in my cubicle
- 10:20 @ mandarenee no; jeff and i trapped him w/ a butterfly net and put him outside. he was one PISSED off little flying rodent.
- 11:21 @ galateadia as awesomely goth as it would be to have a bat as a pet...i would not be able to feed it the 120 bugs an hour it'd need.
- 11:22 ...especially not in the middle of the night. nope; we let it go. it sure let out a screaming fit when we woke him up. can't say i blame him
- 11:36 @ jenthegreat HA! no i think we want FEWER bats in our office, not more.
- 13:59 @ ibspoof too bad the monster truck event is not on sunday Sunday! SUNDAY!!!
- 14:26 contacted tinyurl.com/99smuu to help check for more bats in the attic, garage, etc
- 16:36 @ jyoseph ok that's freaking scary and hypnotic. i will do your bidding!
- 16:40 @ justinshattuck entitled to? no. tend toward being selfish, yes, but hopefully some people work toward being as selfLESS as possible.
- 22:09 @ cornflakes i like the curl idea. we should try it this weekend.
- 23:54 @ jbdubois ha! well they didn't tell me that the previous worker in my cubicle was bela lugosi
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an ape w/ one of those funny visors using morse code.