My first attempt...

Sep 26, 2008 23:12

Well the first attempt on lj, and in a long time...

Based on the Twilight series, and a very short snippit, either part of the first chapter of a longer work, or the beginning of a full piece.

The main character is mine but everything is based off of Stephenie Meyers' series, so she gets all the credit.

Let me know what you think :D

Music and Motorcycles.

The radio blared as I sped away. Never, ever would I have thought... but then again, when does anything ever go as planned?
My best friend was becoming ever more obsessed with her boyfriend, and my boyfriend.. not even going there... ex boyfriend.
    Jeeze!! *Note to self - watch the road while driving!!* I slammed on the breaks, stopping almost on the bumper of the motorcycle in front of me. Generally I don't pay much attention to motorcycles, I've never been that kinda girl, but this one had a half naked guy on it! Ok, not half naked.. but in -15 degree weather shorts and a t-shirt is nothing. He turned, lifting the visor of his helmet,  and  an unreadable expression passed across his face.  I must of looked shocked, because he smiled slightly before turning and speeding off.
    I sat at the now empty intersection letting the last of the bass line vibrate through my shoes, then switched to a quieter mix for a more legally paced drive home.

looking for beta and ideas :)
xo chi

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