Mar 20, 2005 11:48
Thursday-I hung out with Billy Brett, and my bro after classes. Jammed on the guitars and played some Blitz. Then later that night went to taco bell with Brett, Brent, and my bro. Came back to my house and Billy and John stopped by and we all had an in depth discussion with Brett about God. It was very kewl to show Brett so many new things about God that he didn't know.
Friday-Went to Best Buy, Target, Mall with Taylor cuz we were both bored and I felt the need to spend some hard earned money that was burning a hole in my pocket. If any body is interested...I have some new cds that really kick ass including Trivium's, "Ember to Inferno" and "Ascendancy" and Dry Kill Logic's new cd "The Dead and Dreaming", that I was pleasantly surprised to discover. Went and saw "The Ring 2"...I think that it should've been called "2 Much Ring". Let me save all of you $7.50 and about 2 hours of your time by saying that "The Grudge" was better than this.
O.K. fast forward to last night. I was debating all day at work what I was going to do last night. When, I got home I called some people up and inevitably decided to visit Billy's shindig. People show up and Billy gets "The List" and I was forced to order something. Don't worry it all ends up working out for the best that I didn't give Freddie enough money for what I wanted. To my surprise I hear from upstairs Debbie's laugh accompanied by Kristina's. I rush upstairs and surely enough find the two had just arrived. We sat and chatted a little bit about Pulp Fiction, which I would much rather had seen then the gay Ring. Then out of nowhere...Billy gets the call. His mom-"Who's over there?" Billy-"Freddie and Guy" Mom-"End it now...we're coming". So I rush and gather all my shit and call Alex to spend the night.
I get to Alex's and I tell him all of what happened. Then Kristina calls him and they talk for a while. It really sucks that they are having difficulties. <<<<<>>>>>
In relatively brief words, friends are the most important things in the world. I wish that I could go out and make all of my friends happy in whatever way they needed it. THIS IS MY EPIPHANY...
I want all of my friends to be as happy as humanly possible. I want Debbie to see Mike because he makes her happy and hopefully vice versa. I want Alex and Kristina to work out their troubles because I know how happy that they have made each other the past 5 months and it would be a shame to see that get thrown away because of a difference in points of views. I want Jesse and Tara to stay together as long as possible because their strong union together is something that all couples should strive for. FRIENDS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS. I want all of my friends to be as happy as possible and to know how much I cherish their company and friendship. You guys are the most important thing to me and I want you all to know that.