Hello… I’m Beatrice Monty, and I guess since Dad’s still talking to the police, it’s up to me to fill you in on what’s been happening.
By now, you know that dad, Antonio Monty, was abducted by aliens last year. You did know that, right?
At first, he thought he was just getting fat… fatter. Let’s face it, Dad let himself go after Mom died.
But no… the growing pudge wasn’t pudge at all.
It was my new baby sister, Rosaline. She doesn’t look much like an alien does she?
Having a new baby around the house was hard work, but with help…
… it was soon time for her birthday.
This is our Rosaline… and these are pretty much the only pictures we have of her as a child. She… well… it’s hard to explain what happened, really. That’s what Dad’s outside trying to do now, with the police. You see… Rosaline was kidnapped.
Benedict and I came home from school as usual. We made sure the Nanny was paid and started in on our homework. Rosaline was playing with the puppy.
Later, I went outside to work on something for our astronomy test tomorrow…
… and went to bed. I check on Rosaline first, and she was okay.
Dad wasn’t home from work yet.
From what he says, she was still in her crib when he came home, and then he started up the stairs for bed, when he heard … something in the bushes outside. So he went out to investigate and got conked on the head.
When he woke up, Rosaline was gone.
Since then, Dad’s been pretty much crushed. He was no idea who would want to steal our baby sister. She doesn’t even look like an alien, for gosh sake! But I guess that’s always possible. Dad can’t seem to get over it. He just sits there in the rocking chair in her nursery and stares at nothing…
Simmer’s Notes: In these last two Monty updates, there were missing children. I recently got a new Simming computer, and something went wrong on the permissions for the game. Windows 7 wasn’t letting me overwrite the old game with new stuff. So when the babies were born… they vanished. I changed the permissions and things seem to be working now, but the babies are still gone.
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SIMulated Storytelling.