University 8

Mar 18, 2011 08:23

Hey! You’re just in time to join me in a game of pool. I promise I’m not a pool shark, so no worries about me scamming if we place bets. Actually, let’s just play a friendly round. No bets.

I’m Jan Gibson, by the way. The newest member of the Tri Fruhm sorority. My friend and secret society member Breanna LeTourneau asked me to pledge because… it turns out she’s lonely in that sorority house on her own. Can’t say as I blame her! I moved in and ugh… it’s just a drag right now. Breanna and I spend most of our time at class, the ss house, or here at the community center. You’d think being in a sorority would be more fun. I hear, back in the day, the Tri Fruhms used to be the ultimate in cool.

I wonder what happened?

Ah well, maybe Jan and I can revive the old place somehow. Otherwise, it may just die off.

Good morning!!! I’m so pleased to meet you! My name is Blossom … Blossom Moonbeam. Yeah… I know… my parents are holdovers from the days of free love and flower power. Some people think that that defines me… makes me some kind of air head. I’ll admit, I have had some interesting experiences living on the commune with my parents and my brothers and sisters. But I’m far from a dithering idiot.

Oh well… here are some of my fellow incoming freshmen. We all got thrown together in the same dorm.

This is Klara Vanderstien. When I first saw her during orientation, I thought she was scary looking. She dressed all in drab clothes and had this stern look on her face.

She’s got this… militant feminist superwoman vibe sometimes that really makes you look twice. Not in a bad way, though. But she’s clearly going to go places once we’re out of school. I just have that feeling.

There’s been a lot of rumors that Klara’s into chicks, too. You know, that way. Some people might find that odd, but not me, and no one in our dorm seems to mind. She’s just… our Klara. That’s good enough for us.

And this… this is William Williamson. Try not to giggle at his name, okay? He doesn’t like it. Actually, he prefers to be called Will.

Will is … maybe the best part about life here at La Fiesta Tech. He and I hit off almost immediately, despite the obvious differences in our respective upbringings. Will is from a boring white-bread middle class family in suburbia. His parents were so dull they couldn’t even give him an individual name… and I don’t have an actual last name and grew up with friends called Poppyseed and Butterfly Melon. Not to mention my two brothers… Cloud and Chipmunk.

I love Will like crazy, though sometimes I wonder if our parents would a collective heart attack if they ever met.

Wouldn’t that be funny?

This is Angela… she’s a sophomore, so you’ve probably all ready met her, huh? Stella, that’s our other dorm mate, says that Angela has a twin sister who goes to another college and a boyfriend, too, but no one’s met him. I guess he came once last year to visit her and spent most of their time off-campus. He hasn’t visited once since yet, though, and Angela spends a lot time telling us that if the phone rings and it’s for her… she’s not in.

Now Stella… she’s an alien princess, if you believe what she says. She’s been sent her by her mother to learn our ways and culture, to be some kind of diplomat. She’s very interested in the mystery of why people keep dying in our dorm.

Somehow… the five of us became something like friends. Kind of crazy, but in a good way. So for Spring Break, Stella called us all together and announced that she’d arranged for us to go to Takemizu Village for an actual vacation. Most college students can’t afford that kind of extended trip, but Stella explained that her mother, the queen, had provided her with the means to live quite comfortably on our planet.

Angela says that means Stella’s loaded, but is too modest to lord it over anyone.

Stella says she has no concept of this ‘loaded state’ Angela speaks of, and she says it in this straight forward clinical and kind of unassuming way. You just can’t help but believe that things like wealth aren’t important to her.

Stella’s boyfriend, BJ Parmley was going with us. He used to live in our dorm, but was moved out to make room for some of the other freshmen.

Anyway, I made up a little slide show of our vacation. I hope you enjoy it!

Catch ya later!

Mirrored from SIMulated Storytelling.

parmley, vanderstien, terrano, mega hood, sophomore year, la fiesta tech, freshman year, williamson, junior year, gibson, pleasant, senior year, letourneau, moonbeam

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