Hello! We’re the Travellers - Trent, Trisha and Tina - and we’ve been everywhere you can possibly think of. Twikki Island? Been there. Takemizu Village? Done that. Three Lakes Mountains? Bought the tee shirt. Actually, we bought three tee shirts. One for each of us.
So the next adventure for the Travellers? Rea life, which means putting down roots and making a life.
Trent and I (hi, I’m Trisha) were young when we fell in love and had Tina. We weren’t ready yet to settle down, like most people when a baby comes along, so we took Tina with us on all our travels.
But now she’s school aged and maybe it’s time to settle down just a little bit.
I’m looking for a job right now - so is Trent but he says he ‘has connections’ and I shouldn’t worry about him finding his dream job.
My dream job is eluding me. I want to become a famous chef. In our travels, I’ve learned how to make food from all over the world and I hope to bring that to a restaurant that will hire me. But so far, they all want people who have specialized in just one thing.
In the meantime, there are all these house chores to do here, too. If/when I get a job, we may have to hire a maid.
(Simmer’s Note to point out
things that Photobucket did
not block from this album that
surely show off more than the pic from the Kims did. stupid Photobucket.)
Trent has taken up stargazing. He says space is the only place we haven’t been to yet…
… well, some of us haven’t been there yet, anyway. ::grin::
He came back after 24 hours had passed…
pregnant and
horny. Incredibly horny… so much so that I think I might be pregnant again. It’s been a while since I had Tina, but I think I know what morning sickness feels like.
So, anyway, with
his baby so close to being born, we broke down and hired a nanny.
It was the worst experience ever. She robbed us! Let this be a lesson to you - not all little old ladies are nice or sweet.
And here’s Trent’s baby…
Trent says his ‘given name’ is Treixuios… but we are to call him Trey.
Mirrored from
SIMulated Storytelling.