Chex Mix 9.2

Sep 24, 2012 08:23

Last time on the Chex Mix… you were bombarded by cute toddler spam.

This time starts off with Isabelle cooking breakfast and thinking about things. Mostly, those things involve Maxwell and the relationship they have versus the one he wants. She realizes that, in truth, while she enjoys Max very much, he’s always going to be ‘just the maid’ to her. She doesn’t love him enough to make the kind of commitment he wants and she doesn’t want to delude him by letting him think that she does. She will have to tell him how it is, and let him decide how they proceed from there. She’d miss him if he decides they can no longer be lovers, but…

Well, he will always be a part of her life because of the boys, but Jager is an octogenarian and Jason will be leaving for school soon.

If he ever gets this potty thing right, that is.

Because really… it would be so much more convenient for everyone if he could take himself to the bathroom.

Lolly taking the time out from her painting to play with Ilina.

Must be the potty training is over because here’s Jason’s birthday!

Hi, Jason! You’re very cute. And your cheeks are still pinch-able! *squishes*

Cake for breakfast. Who would have thought it?

Jason loves his bike helmet so much, he wears it all the time!

He even wore it on the day he went off to boarding school.

Birthday time for Ilsa and Ilina.

Ilina Chex.

Ilsa Chex.

Awww! I think they are worried about someone stealing the kitty while they’re off at boarding school.

Which happens all too soon (for them), and then they are off to join Jason at Smugglesworth Prep.

With the younger ones out of the way, Jager spends more time with his mother. Under the guise of playing dominoes, he slowly tells her about his life in the future.

He feels, now that the energy of the time vortex has weakened and the children are safely at school, she should know all there is to know.

“Once, many generations of our family ago, there was a man named Amerigo. That much, you may know already. But what you might not know, is his mother. Guinevere. She was woman of this world, lovely and fair, of noble and resilient birth, who stumbled most hapless one night upon a time machine such as the one in our wine cellar. It might even be the same one, for all we know.”

Isabelle did not know what to think. She herself had been raised in the past, and had known the power of the time machine.

“What happened to her?” she asked.

“The time machine took her to a future at the every end of the timeline. This world was ruled by alien beings, much like ourselves, but more highly evolved and much more vastly intelligent. The builders of the machine. She was taken to their leader, a ruler who fell in love with her almost instantly, and instead of taking her prisoner… he wooed and married her.”

“Well, that doesn’t seem so bad,” Isabelle said.

Jager shook his head and set aside his dominoes. “Perhaps it was not, at first. He showered her with kingly gifts and soon after their marriage vows had been made, he took her to his bed, and she became with child. With two children.”

“Twins.” Isabelle laughed. “Multiples have always run in this family. Almost every generation has had them. Great-Grandmother Fiona had two sets of triplets.”

“Indeed,” Jager agreed. “Guinevere’s king himself was a twin,” he explained. “And his brother was jealous of the power his brother wielded… and angered by his brother’s choice to elevate a prisoner from slave status to that of queen. On the eve of the babes’ birth, he led a coup, slaughtered his brother and would have taken the innocent lives of the young prince and princess had their mother not been swift of mind. She fled to the time machine with a two servants who were loyal to the king her husband and they made their way through time back to the past. One servant, she entrusted with the job of destroying the time machine, and the other took the princess and left for parts unknown. She herself took the young prince to the island community of Barnacle Bay, and left him in an orphanage before vanishing completely.”

“But… the time machine wasn’t destroyed.”

“No,” Jager agreed. “It was buried. The servant thought to preserve it, so that when the prince and princess were old enough, they could return to claim their blood right. But they were hidden so well and for so long that he died before that dream could be achieved.”

“But how… ”

“I don’t know, mother,” Jager said. “I do not know. What I do know, from my talks with Izreal, is that he and I came from the same future. Each held prisoner by the old king’s brother. Now old himself, and childless. He sought to control Izreal and myself. For we looked not unlike his own brother and could pass as his sons. If one of us could be swayed, we could claim the throne. We both refused. We both escaped with our lives after hearing the fate of our families. Izreal believes that time machine, our time machine, is someone tuned into our blood line. It drew grandfather Hunter here, to Twin Brook, first awakening when he arrived here as student, and growing stronger and stronger the longer he stayed.”

“Until he unearthed it, and they used it,” Isabelle supplied, sounding disgusted.

“Yes. Which is why we must destroy it, mother. Because Jason, my brother, will be the next victim, if we do not stop the cycle. And one of these days, our evil ‘uncle’ will succeed in his mission of either turning one of us to his side, or killing us all.”

So they torched it. And try as they might to make it look like an accident, they could not contain their glee that the offending, treacherous machine was burnt beyond salvation. It was the end. Whatever would happen to the Chex family, they were free of the demon which followed them.

Random shot of Lolly, playing with child’s toys in her wedding gown.

“I’m sexy and I know it…”

Grim comes for Kai.

Even video games cannot ease the sorrow of Kai’s passing… so Jager turns off the television and heads upstairs.

To play dominoes with Hunter.

But as you can see, he misses the kitty every much.

Isabelle begins a new novel, this time about an evil empire using time machines to conquer other worlds and the brave woman who defied them.

Hunter dances. He’s not so bad looking for a grandpa, huh?

Lolly and Hunter spending time together. They are still young, and their lives have gone in a crazy direction none of them would have imagined. By now, they had both heard Jager’s story, and having confirmed it with Izreal, could not believe their unwitting part in it. They are filled with guilt, but also with relief that it is all over now. No one will come again to hurt their children or grandchildren.

“A part of me is a little disappointed, though,” Hunter told his wife. “My ancestor, Amerigo, began his life’s journey with the quest to find his mother and her people. In a way, each generation of our family has been seeking them for him.”

“But, Hunter,” Lolly said softly. “You’ve found them. Now, we know the truth.” She kissed his cheek softly and told him that it didn’t matter if they were fugitives. He’d always been a prince to her.

With the time machine gone, Isabelle felt the pull of attraction between herself and Maxwell lessen. Maybe their lustful infatuation was nothing more than a means for the evil controlling the machine to ensure a Chex heir it would then steal?

She let him down as easily as she could, assuring that it was ‘me and not you, Max. You’re really great and a wonderful father to the boys. But I just don’t feel the same way you do. It would be wrong of me to continue playing with your life and heart.”

He would always be a part of their sons’ lives, but no longer a part of hers.

Mirrored from The Simming Life.

gen 10, amerigo chex, chex mix, ilina chex, ilsa chex, gen 8, lolly racket chex, isabelle chex, hunter chex, gen 9, gen 0, jason chex, gen 1, jager chex

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