Last time… a lot of birthdays, a death and some romance happened…
Today, the Chex clan travels back to the place of their origin, Barnacle Bay. They are there because they won some kind of fishing trip. But the funniest thing… they’re welcomed by a woman claiming to be Becca Chex… who, as well all know, is an ancestor of theirs.
The slips&slide would look more impressive in the day time, Garrett.
Garrett decides to ask Becca about their connections. She is as curious as he is, and promises to check it out on the Internet… except that she get sidetracked with video games. Ooops.
Garrett… dreaming of fish…
So the family gets up earlier the next morning and heads out on their fishing trip. Below is a gallery of their accomplishments… click on the thumbnails to see each picture.
Sure does look like fun!
A white unicorn! Cool!
I’m not sure the Unicorn is into bondage, Theo.
But maybe some veggies.. yeah.
The next day, Garrett asks Theo out on a date… in his formal wear?
Oh… not a date… awww!
Even more “awww!”
They quickly decide to elope, and get married right away.
Meanwhile, the boys are roasting their fish in the fire pit.
A couple of random shots of them on their last says in Barnacle Bay.
A few weeks later, Hyde (who was bitten by a travel bug and wants to travel to every place in the known Sims world…) sneaks off to China on his own… where..
… he is chased down…
… by the stalker!Ice cream truck! Seriously? Really?
Back at home, the family and various random friends are gathered for Holmes’ birthday.
As you can see, the ice cream truck did NOT get Hyde after all.
Happy birthday, Holmes!
Today, you are a man!
The next night, both Garrett and Theo become even older men. Hunter, who makes entirely no sense, decides it was as good a time as any to protest for Yeti rights.
Garrett and Theo after makeovers.
Holmes missed the birthdays, however, because he was too busy getting his groove on at the Barn Dance…
And thus ends Chapter 7.6. We are nearing the end of the Gen 7 chapters and getting ready to follow the Gen 8 heir off to parts unknown.
Usually, I have people vote for an heir. It’s random, and that’s why I started this legacy, to be random. Yesterday, however, I decided that instead of waiting days to get enough votes to really make it worth while… I actually wanted to finish this legacy before Supernatural came out. Or… make an attempt at it, anyway.
So, I threw the boys’ names into a bowl, although with the names of the remaining hoods… mixed them around…and had my daughter pick at random.
She chose Hunter, who we will be sending to Twinbrook. Soon.
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Third Time's the Charm.