Well, I got my job at Best Buy back (YAY!) but instead of working as a cashier, I'm now in Media (Videogames/Music/Movies) which is so fucking awesome. It's what I originally wanted when I applied last year but they were all full. So far I'm loving Media but that could very well change when Christmas rolls around =/. My first day actually sucked cause they made me move all this heavy stuff around and I'm still weak as hell so I pretty much died. Halfway through my face was flushed, I was panting, and those damn blister things that I get when I get hot appeared. I was surprised no one noticed I was like dying...meh.
Last weekend I went to Montgomery Fest and it was pretty boring. Definitely made me remember how hickish the town I live in still is...even though we have thousands of people moving here and all the development that has been happening. The best part of it was the Petting Zoo. They had a llama named precious and a donkey and ducks and goats and chickens and A BUNNY! ;D When I was trying to feed the llama, the donkey kept trying to eat the food. He was such an ass! XD (I'm hilarious). But seriously, it felt cool when the llama ate out of my hand. I now have another animal I want for a pet besides a penguin...a llama. While walking back to the car I kicked Mike's big ass and it messed up the nail on my big toe. I didn't know it was bleeding til we got home. I'm still waiting for it to fall off because it's the ENTIRE nail. Note to self: Don't kick Mike's huge ass. =P
Mike has somehow contracted Mono...which is fucking horrible. It seems like god doesn't want me and Mike to make-out and play with each other's private parts. Damn god! *shakes fist* I so enjoy playing with his private parts, I really do. Oh, and for those of you that didn't know, me and Mike passed the one year mark! W00t! We actually just added another month to that 3 days ago so yeah...ghey secks is teh awesome...even though I can't have any at the moment...="""""""(
On a side note, my mom was putting away my clothes and she's like, 'Ryan, I think you have an underwear fetish'. When she said that I was like 0_0;;;;;. She then said that I buy to much underwear and have plenty already. Hey, it's hard not to buy cute underwear when I see it. I know I'm not the only one so meh. I was actually going to buy some more tonight but I made myself put them back. See, I have some will-power dammit!
*drives back to go get them*