I'm getting over a bad cold. I was holed up in the house miserable on Tuesday. Yesterday I was feeling better, now today the cough has kicked in. God I hate the coughing. I ALWAYS get the worst coughs when I get sick. I really hope I get better in time for MAMP this Saturday - thats the Miss Adams Morgan Pageant for those of you not in the know. I will be super bummed if I have to miss it. Lee is also starting to feel sick today. :(
I started dieting again on Oct 1st. My weight has gotten to the point where I'm not comfortable, so time to do something about it. I haven't weighed myself and don't plan on it - I'll know when I've lost weight by the way my clothes fit. I had a Dr's appointment on the 16th of Sept, and will have another one in early Nov, so I know what I weighed at the first appointment and will get an update in Nov. I'm doing my usual Slimfast, but I'm also trying something new. During the week I'm trying to stick to a pescatarian diet (with eggs and dairy). No meat other than seafood. It's not really a huge change for me because I wasn't really eating a lot of meat during the week anyway. I've been doing tons of legumes, and tofu and other meat replacements, and of course I can't get enough seafood. Right now I'm sticking to a 1600 calorie a day, 55% carb, 25% protein and 20% fat diet. If I get to a point where thats not working I'll cut back the calories more. As always, I don't really keep my diet on the weekends. I'll try to make healthier choices but there is no way I'm Slimfasting or counting calories on my days off. It's been successful for me in the past, and over the past week I've already lost something - I can feel the difference in my pants.
I'm going to do a cut here because I'm about to talk about girly parts, so you guys can just skip over it
I finally got my IUD inserted on the 16th. It's been close to a month and it hasn't been a very pleasant month. The insertion itself and the following week was horrible. It hurt like a MFer going in! It was really bad, like nothing I've ever experienced...9 out of 10 on the pain scale. The ride home was agonizing (Lee was a saint for driving me) and thankfully I had strong painkillers waiting at home. I had non-stop, bad cramps for a week, although after the first day they weren't up to the scale as the ones I had been getting with my period. That settled down day by day and for the past two weeks it had gotten to the point where I was only having a few cramps a day, and they usually went away rather quickly. I actually had my first day that I didn't have to take any ibuprofen and was getting excited...but then of course in the middle of me being sick on Tuesday, the uterus decided it wanted to start doing the angry dance again, and now I'm randomly bleeding and cramping. I'm not sure if this is my period a week early, or if this is just the random "spotting and cramping" that is normal and expected for the first 3 months. Regardless, I'm still happy with the choice I made, and assuming this gets better over the next couple of months I'll be satisfied. $270 for 5 years of birth control is made of win and awesome, and supposedly after everything works itself out in the coming months, I won't have a period anymore. Woot.
I go on vacation the last week of the month! I'm so excited, we have a pimp beach house rented in OBX and will be relaxing with friends all week. The night before we leave is Lee's bday, so I have a fabulous birthday dinner planned for him at
Komi. Bah, I just noticed that they raised their prices again. I guess thats what happens when you're one of the top restaurants in DC. At $108 I thought we were getting a steal, I guess for $125 its still ok. It's still cheaper than Citronelle or The Inn at Little Washington - which I don't think I ever updated on. I'll do that another time, I have the menu at home so I'll be sure to get a pic of it. As expected, it was amazing. I'm so happy I found someone who really shares my love for fine dining. Being a foodie nerd is awesome. And an expensive hobby!