Long & Pointless Rant

Sep 12, 2008 12:58

Ugh, so Ian's out of town on some super macho frat boy gay sports trip. He left Wednesday afternoon and will be home Sunday. This is offically the longest we've been apart since we've offically been together, and I'll tell you what, I don't think I've ever felt so lonely and left out in my life. Here I am sitting at work half in tears because I know I still have 2 more nights of sleeping in a big empty house, in a big empty bed, waking up to clean up cat shit that Booger has left on the floor because he's mad at me because I'm mad at him for chewing on the lamp while I'm trying to squeeze in at least 3 hours of sleep. You'd think that if I'm only getting 3 hours of sleep each night I must be doing a fairly good job of keeping myself occupied. However, that is not the case. Wednesday after dropping Ian off a the airport I got a hair cut and proceeded to go home and cry for hours. I watched two movies, "Best Little Whore House in Texas" and "Little Woman", I drank all the beer in the fridge, ate a day old burger, tried playing on the computer, scraped my pipe 40 billion times with less then desirable results, paced around the house a whole bunch, and watched some crap on the tv, before laying in bed staring at the ceiling until sleep came. I woke up right about 3:30am, went outside and had a smoke. I couldn't get back to sleep so I just watched tv instead. There is nothing on tv at 4 in the morning. Nothing at all, so I cried some more. Yesterday after work I headed down to the Slammer hoping someone would call me about some weed. Nobody called me, but after calling a few people I found it! Yes, that was the highlite of my day, pathetic. So I picked some up for me, and for a friend. I met my friend at a sketchy Mini Mart way out in the middle of Sketch-ville. While I waited for her I bought a big fatty tall can of Steel Reserve, Diet Coke to mix with my rum, and some smokes, and a Reesers Burrito. I figure if I have to be alone, I may as well utilize all my vices and maybe something might help me sleep. I ended up meeting back at the Slammer for 2 drinks to play some Big Buck Hunter Safari with Katie & JE. I headed home after that plopped my ass on the couch with my fully loaded pipe, cheap High Gravity beer stuff, and watched the more crap tv. I can't even remember what I watched it was so crappy. I must have passed out somewhere around 1am on the couch, because I woke up around 2am and headed to bed. I "slept in" til 4:30 when I got up and heated up the burrito I bought at the Mini Mart that I didn't eat the night before, cracked my Diet Coke that I didn't drink and watched the news. Boy is the news depressing, so again I cried. Now I'm at work and I have plans tonight with Katie. We're going to get a pedicure and grab some drinks after that. I'm not feeling very social and would love nothing more then to be in a coma until Ian gets home, but Katie is being such a great friend and doing her best to cheer me up and keep me company in the boys absence. Tomorrow we're meeting at Yurs to watch the Purdue/Oregon game that my boyfriend and company is at. I have a feeling that won't really make me feel all that better. Sunday is my mom's birthday. And then Sunday evening is what I'm looking forward to the most....my better half is returning home!
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