((OOC: This is an RP journal. In this instance, the comment is OOC and regarding character journals.
Bark the Polar Bear (
chillybearbark) ; Bark is a polar bear, hence the "chilly." Plus, he wears his warm clothes ALL the time, so I figure he's just a cold guy.
Marine the Raccoon (
yournewcaptain) ; She just sorta runs around recruiting people for her new ship in Sonic Rush Adventure, so I went with a username as pushy and presumptuous as she is.
Siren Articuno (
frostysirenarti) ; I didn't intend for Siren to become my Articuno's nickname, but it wound up that way. "Frosty" because Articuno are ice types, "siren" because Articuno have a really pretty song-like sound effect in the games, and "arti" because 'articuno' wouldn't fit.
Storm the Albatross (
babylonmuscle) ; Playing off the trend of the other Rogues ("babylonmechanic," "babylonhawk"). Storm is the group's ... muscle, so it makes sense.
and for good measure:
Dixie (istealbananas) ; Playing off Diddy's "gimmeabanana."
Falco (iaintyurbuddy) ; One of Falco's best quotes from Starfox 64.
Boshi (boshiiiii) ; A mix of Boshi and "OHSHIIIIIII"
Vector (rockincroc) ; Vector wears headphones and presumably loves music. I'm sure he's been called a "rockin' croc" in the comics, but I can't be sure off the top of my head.