((OOC: In-Depth Character Analysis))

Dec 22, 2008 02:13

Ignore this-- this is purely to help me stay as IC as possible.

Name and meaning:
Bark the Polar Bear.  The word "bark" has a few meanings in English, the most common being an onomatopoeia of a dog's voice.  Since Bark is not a dog, I'm going to rule that one out.  Another definition is the outer covering of a tree.  Since Bark has thick skin, both physically and emotionally, I'm going to presume that his parents named him "Bark" due to his hefty physique.

Age and date of birth:
17 currently-- 1/10/91.

Physical attributes: (Elaborate on everything, from hair style to muscle tone to the their eyelid's tendency to flicker up and down during a boring teacher's lessons. Twitch.)
Two or three distinct "bangs"; long hair-like fur that hangs over his cheeks; extremely long fur in the back of his head that he often keeps in a ponytail; a small, rounded ears; thick, bulky midregion; long arms and short legs.

Distinguishing features: (Anything unusual-scars, tattoos, etc. Or an unusual color of hair. What makes your character an individual? Please do not say violet-coloured eyes.)

Frequently used verbal expressions: (Either phrases “unbelievably pretentious!” or attitude.)
He calls his friends "bud" or "pal"--expressions he picked up from Knuckles.  That's it, really.  Shoot, I should develop this a little further.

Frequently used facial expression or other physical gesture: (They motion with their hands while they talk, never look people in the eye while giving speeches, tap their pens while listening to professors.)
He constantly stands with his arms crossed.  Big smiles to anyone other than close friends are rare--the furthest he tends to go is a smirk.  When standing without his arms crossed, he often hunches over, indicating he has bad posture possibly caused by his abnormal weight distribution.

Education (and grade): (Please elaborate on education prior to, during, and after school, including their level of interest in their subject of choice (or as chosen by another) and their general academic behaviour. Did they attend primary schools? Home tutoring? Somehow, they managed to read and pick up other basic skills, right?)
Bark attended school in a schoolhouse igloo.  Due to the low population of children in the Aurora Icefield, he and his classmates were individually tutored by the village's school teacher.  He proceeded through SBG's grade system at the same rate as everyone else.  He got satisfactory grades in all subjects, but notably disliked Math and Science.

Academic skills: (Classes they excel at, whether or not essays are the thing for them, neat handwriting, attentive listening-how they manage to pass their classes or career.)
Generally disliked long writing assignments--figured it was time he could be spending working out or practicing his fighting skills.  He was decent at reading, writing, math, etc.  He just didn't enjoy studying them at all.  He really excelled in Phys Ed, though.

Academic weaknesses: (And everything they manage to do to fail.)
For the life of him, he could not get into social studies.  History bored him to no end, and he got poor marks in the subject because of his lack of will to study and focus in class.  During history lectures, he would often daydream about sparring or plan out his workout schedule for later that day.

Main goal (dream) at this point in time: (Their main goal or dream is likely to change over time. How does it reflect their character? What hidden aspects are there to it? Elaborate.)
To find a career in which he can protect others and put his strength to good use without resorting to too much violence.  He's considering becoming a police officer or a security guard, but he'd prefer something a little more "hands-on."

Secondary goals: (Like before, but smaller things that are somewhere in the spectrum, but not at the top of the list.)
To come to terms with his past and make amends with his family; also to someday settle down and possibly start a family, though he's not sure whether or not he wants children yet.

Love interest: (One hopes this will change over time. What draws them to this person? Is there a common characteristic in all those they adore? What types of relationships are they involved in?)
Blaze the Cat; He fell for her the instant he saw her.  Besides the fact that he thinks she's beautiful, the two have similar demeanors, are quite strong but are secretly vulnerable in some areas, and whether he knows it yet or not--she can control fire, and he is exceptionally tolerant to fire due to his thick coat of fur and thick skin.  At this point, his relationship with Blaze is just getting started.  The two are progressing slowly as they get more comfortable with each other.  He hasn't kissed her yet, and even after a month of going steady, he still gets nervous when he holds her hand.

Family: (At least 100 words on each character should cover occupation, family history, how family members met (your character's parents), and a basic personality description.)
Father-- A rough, hearty polar bear with aggressive tendancies.  Bark's father was the type of dad who would tell his child to brush it off and "be a man" when he fell and hurt himself rather than nurture him until he stopped crying.  He used to be a boxer, but retired early due to extensive injuries.  To support the family as Bark was growing up, he'd bet on street fighting matches the village would hold every week.  Money came in much quicker and easier by betting than it did when he was a boxer, so to further tip the scales in his favor, he aimed to train his son to be an unstoppable fighting machine, which would practically guarantee his wins every week.  Unfortunately for Bark, his father's aims were more focused on money than on his son's health and general wellbeing.

Mother-- A sweet, passive polar bear with good motherly instincts.  Rather weak-willed and insecure, she was drawn to Bark's father while he was a boxer due to his strength and confidence.  As time went on and her husband grew more self-centered and insensitive, she directed the majority of her affection toward Bark--tending to the scrapes he'd get as he played and reading him bedtime stories before he went to sleep.  Later on, after his father decided to train him as a street fighter, Bark's father insisted she leave his wounds alone to heal on their own, his argument being that a true manly polar bear doesn't need bandages or ointment.  As Bark's training progressed and his fights became more brutal, his father resorted to threats of physical harm to keep her away from her son.  Eventually, her role in the family was purely one of a cook and maid.  Bark was confused at first as to why she'd suddenly give him the cold shoulder.  His father told him that she didn't care about him anymore--that he was the only one that cared, and to repay his concern, he should strive to make him proud and become the best fighter ever.  Only after Bark ran away did he think back on the situation and realize how manipulative his father had been.

Place of residence (city, house, etc.): (Where does your character live?)
While he was growing up, Bark lived in an igloo in a moderately small village in the Aurora Icefield.  Though they lived in igloos, their homes were rather large and sported many modern household essentials, such as matresses, wood furnature, and electricity.  After he ran away from home, when he wasn't walking, he'd sleep in a tent or an inn, if he could find one that would let him stay for free.

Worst past experience: (Please remember that experiences are not limited to relationships--early/childhood experiences would be best, unless something that happened to your character as an adult has had a more significant impact.)
The last fight Bark ever participated in was against his then-best friend, Sickle.  Bark fought blindly and outrageously in an effort to impress his father, resulting in Sickle being rushed to the medical center with numerous lacerations and contusions.  After realizing what he had done, Bark was horrified that he was capable of such monstrocities and for such a dishonorable cause as financial gain.  His shame, hatred of his father, and the fearful glares of his neighbors forced him to run away from home.

Best past experience: (Please remember that experiences are not limited to relationships--early/childhood experiences would be best.)
Sorry, Mr. Rp Character Survey Writer-- as fun as the games he used to play as a cub with Sickle were, taking Blaze to Homecoming was probably the best day of his life.  It was the first time in years that he felt both liked AND loved by the same person.  This had a lot of emotional value because he had gone so long without it, and he had also convinced himself he wasn't worthy of it after what he'd done before he left home.

Hobbies: (All interests.)
Sparring, weight-lifting/working out, football, exploring new areas, practicing the xylophone, and riding his Extreme Gear.

Profession (aspired to): (What does your character want to be when they grow up? Or, if they're already an adult, what do they wish they were doing?)
Again, he hasn't figured it out yet.  Right now he's leaning towards a bodyguard, though he may later decide to go with Professional Wrestler or P.E. coach.

Strengths: (Try and keep the number small-weaknesses are more important.)
Physically strong; specializes in throws but has some skill in other fighting moves; follows his heart and adheres to his own morals; abnormally resistent to cold; weighs quite a bit and can use it to overpower an opponent.

Weaknesses: (More important for role playing-please include several at least.)
Turns to mush around a girl/girls he likes; lacks agility in his movements; gets cold even in mild weather conditions; lacks a good attention span for things for which he holds no value, such as history, fashion, or religion; is prone to letting his emotions/guilt get the best of him in sticky situations.

Habits: (Both the good and the bad.)
Tends to pull on loose strings on his scarf when he's nervous; slouches when he stands.

Any other information: (Basically an “other” category.)
Living in the isolated Aurora Icefield, there were a lot of cultural things he never learned about as a cub, such as popular culture, television, and even mass-produced goods, like candy or automobiles.

Possessions: (Details as well. What your character owns and what quality it is in.)
Formerly the yellow chaos emerald, which he gave up to support Sonic's attempt at destroying Eggman's destructive satelite.  Currently takes care of a Hero Strength chao named Sega.

Wardrobe: (What your character wears and its condition. This should reflect their social status, financial situation, social involvement, etc.)
Used to wear a red and orange beanie that Sickle had given him when they were young.  Since it's been stolen, he now wears the beanie Knuckles gave him, which is black, red, and yellow.  He also always sports a green scarf and white bandana as well as black and yellow boxing gloves and red and black sneakers.

What they would say about themselves:
He considers himself reserved and very low-key.  He doesn't feel his existence is anything to get excited about.  He knows his tolerance/intolerance to certain weather conditions is abnormal and tries to hide it as much as possible.  He's extremely confident in his own strength and fighting skills, though he worries about using them for the wrong reasons or accidentally hurting someone with them.  Other than that, he considers himself a typical teenage polar bear.

What others would say about them:
He keeps to himself for the most part.  At first, he comes off as very apathetic and cold.  As one gets to know him, though, he can be very caring and affectionate, though he still tries to maintain certain levels of manliness.  He seems to brood about things he refuses to talk about, which can cause concern from his close friends, but most attempts at finding out what he's brooding about cause him to withdraw even further.

What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything to avoid?
Allowing someone to get hurt when he is perfectly capable of protecting that person.  After being the cause of so much grief for himself and so many others, he has sworn that in order to make amends, he will make every attempt to prevent it from happening again to anyone.

What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything in the world to have?
Forgiveness and acceptance of those he cares about.  After so many years of striving to please his father and failing and living with the guilt of what he did to his friend, he really just longs to feel the way he did as a cub--before everything wasn't good enough, before people were afraid of him, before he hated himself for what he was capable of.

How did your character make their enemies? Their friends? (Although this doesn’t have to be detailed, explaining circumstances and what unites and estranges your character with others is important.)
I have to double-check this with the other muns, but Bark became best friends with Knuckles when they both joined SBG around the same time and found that they had a lot in common--their value of strength being their primary common interest.  In Banjo's case, they had instant comradery because they were both bears.  It helped Bark open up much sooner than it usually took him to open up to new friends.

What does your character fear? (Explain fears and the reasons behind them.)
Primarily, Bark is afraid of losing control and severely injuring an opponent in a fight.  He's very aware of what he's capable of and how easily things can get out of control.  Also, he worries about doing something that would shun him from society again, hence his stoicism and tendency to keep to himself.  The less people he cares about, the fewer that would be disappointed in him if such a thing were to happen.  It's not the best logic, but that's how he feels about it.

What is irresistible to your character? (Explain why they can’t resist the irresistible and the reasons behind their inability to resist.)
Blaze, for one thing.  He can't explain it, but he's just very drawn to her.  Still, as irresistible she is, he's been good about holding back as to not smother her.  It kills him sometimes, but he has faith that if he plays his cards right, he'll eventually get to experience everything he wants to do to her and with her in time.  He's also a sucker for tuna fish.  Tuna was rare in his hometown, and he always loved the flavor more than the native fish.

Who does your character admire most? (The person, their admirable qualities, and your character’s reasons.)
Bark isn't one to idolize others, but he has to hand it to Knuckles for going from isolated hermit to socialite.  He thinks Knux adjusted to a new situation much better than he did.

Oop, end of survey.


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