Title: The Cut
chilly_flame Pairing: Andy/Miranda
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything related to the Devil Wears Prada.
Notes: It took a while, but here’s the next bit in my
Sick Day series, following
The Upper Hand. Thanks to Xander for the read through!
Get started... )
Comments 31
But also trying to navigate around potential pitfalls of being discovered and what that could cost them. And though they are content 'for the moment' it's so painfully clear they want more a relationship with each other that's not this big secret or a potential hazard. And yet they're love and their trust seems solid.
They are making it work for them so far. And if anyone can I guess that's Andy and Miranda.
This was very enjoyable.
Hopefully there will be more soon. And thanks so much! :D
The financial thing is always weird to navigate--it's still a fantasy universe, but so much has changed in the real world since the movie came out that it's hard to rewind mentally three years and remember what it was like when everything fell apart in late 07. I figure this time period is close enough to fit this along with that, and it's important to me personally to keep Miranda as real as possible, and Andy too. I think anybody who lived with Miranda, other than her kids, would be nervous changing up a look. Andy's self-confident, but within limits!
Thanks so much for your comments--they are always a pleasure to read. Glad to have made a rainy day a little more pleasant.
Gotta love a hair cut fic!
(I am SO biased, by the way)
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