May 06, 2008 14:11
One of the nicknames I was given by my friends in college was "bubble boy" as they claimed I was raised in a bubble. Not only was I a rather spoiled & sheltered child, but I had very little interest in the outside world if it wasn't animated on my television screen or pixels moving about my computer monitor. So...when I first left home for the first time, at age 20, I quickly realized I had found myself cast into a world I often knew very little about.
People would talk about things, or something would come up that people would just take for granted as common knowledge. And then they'd look at me, at the vacant, clueless expression on my face and they knew immediately that the bubble was there and would proceed to explain to me the obvious. Or else I would use a cliche or common phrase, but I'd not get it just right and the meaning would either be entirely lost or else twisted into something absurd and would have to be corrected. This is why I identify with characters such as Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Sandra Bullock's character in Demolition Man.
This used to happen a lot...daily...sometimes hourly.
Well, after years I finally acclimated myself to this place called Earth and the bubble faded. But still every once in a while, I'll say something that's not quite right or else someone will talk about something and I'll be the only one in the room who has no idea what they're talking about. It's not overly common these days, but still happens occasionally.
The other day, I forget the conversation, but I had used the well known phrase "gnashing of teeth & rending of garlands".
...except that it turns out, it's rending of garments as my hubby & friends were so kind to point out to me. With only a little bit of ridicule involved. Love you guys! :p
So I've gone my entire life thinking it was would think it wouldn't make sense, but I thought it was just some old outdated tradition or phrase; that people would tear garlands apart to represent anger or such... /shrug
No...just decades of misusing this phrase, and I always liked the phrase, so I did use it every so often, and nobody either catching it or else secretly giggling behind their hands at the boy in the bubble.
I'm going to go sit in my corner and quietly tear apart some garlands and nobody is going to stop me! :p
This pointless post is brought to you by the letter G.