(no subject)

Apr 06, 2005 11:42

My thoughts are drowsy thought currently, see i'm on a lot of medication, i seemed to have lost count. This new one i'm taking deconamine, says it may cause drowsiness, and your right it sure damn does. Damn does? hmm... moving on... I've been sick for the last weekend and week almost, since last thursday, just non-stop constant fever, sore throat, eyes watering, night sweats, i think i have everything ever written in a symptom book (that is if one would ever write one..)

I SPENT A WHOLE WEEKEND IN BED, ack oh well at least i got to study for this test i finally took today. I got a 90%, not bad (a drowsy diaz pats himself on the back). I'm studying hard so i can wear this fmf pin (fleet marine force) pin that looks pretty cool, and looks good for promotion. The book i have to read is long, but all i have is time. See first i take the test (check, i did that today), then i do some practical applications, treating patients, obstacle course, rifle stuff, and land navigation (at night time using a shitty compass). Then i take an oral board where chiefs and big honchos ask me questions about what i know about this damn pin and the marine corps.

Then after a little while i can finally wear the thing. The test was 150 questions, of which i think 100 of them were in english and i didn't miss any, and then 50 were in japanese, cause they were about serious military shit, that i can't even begin to fathom what the hell it was saying. Anyways i passed better than most people who usually get between 80 and 85. Ahh so drowsy... the ceiling is still spinning, must go now.... i wonder if livej. has a star for drowsy... hmmm... that works..heh
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