Dec 20, 2004 17:05
Christmas Break has started off rather well! (or be more politically correct) I went on a cruise to ENCINADA, MEXICO!!!! the place where you can get away with about anything as long as you have some spare cash. We went with another family was rather funn and it prolly would have been more fun if i didnt get sick, dizzy, and a bit sea sick when i went out on deck, and if i didnt lose my voice. It was basically free food and free drinks (unless you wanted bottles drinks) and we had a neato cabin!! I found out that my dad had some massive ping pong skills, and then to add on to the nerd factor i also found out that he apparently took Ping Pong lessons for about 4 years.....i never even knew they existed! I am having sleep depreivations but i cant sleep and im too sick to get hyper so im just kinda blah...which is in my opinion is the worst way to be. So i got another ring and then a gold dolphin bracelet on my left hand to match with my dolphin ring and my dolphin watch (no idea wehre the dolphin theme came frm) then i also got a heart bracelet and then i got some other stuff and it was pretty dandy fun!!!. Nothing extremely random or o ut of the ordinary occured it was just a fun cruise and there is no reason for this novel worthy entry other than the fact that i am trying to pass time! So this week theres two christmas parties and a dessert party(or sumthing like that) so that should be fun fun fun!!!