Sep 13, 2005 22:08
So I had my first math test of the year, Prob/stat could be the biggest joke class on the face of the planet. It is gonna be so recockulously easy i'm not sure what to do with it. Funny story about that class, In a school of 2000, and a class of 40 kids that is offered every period of the day, i end up at a table with not only three Jews, but all three go to my hippie ass synagogue, crazy huh.
I had first BBYO of the year this year, gotta give some props to Nate, meetings went well, a little short, but what can you expect from the first ones of the year. We've got some old faces we haven't seen in a year or two, and a good chunk of new ones, which is awesome. All in all I see great things for EGR this year. SPeaking of great things, RBO is this weekend, and assuming the flaming gysher doesn't blow us all up it should be a blast.
I Just wanna give a shout out to me, cause for the first time in like forever I actually did homework before and after BBYO. On top of that I'm still on top of my homework, like i did hlaf of my weeks math homework in 15 min, I love that class. Also did con team work which makes me feel good, 2 chapters, 15 pgs of reading to go by thursday/monday, no sweat. And Speaking of sweat i gotta call the sweat suit guys.
On that note i'm out to do more useful things,